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Sabrina's Review : From Birch Hill, NJ on 4/21/99

Well, we got there approx. 6:30pm. It was cool cause we didn't have to wait in line since I was on crutches! We got let in a few minutes after the door opened and they held the line for us. Sorry! Anyway, once we got in I got seated on a bar stool in the left side at the end of the bar. At first I was pretty glad because there weren't too many people that had come in yet. So we could see pretty good. As the place started filling up, my visibility got less. (man that place was PACKED!) So finally Mercy River came on around 9:30. I couldn't see too much but I thought they sounded pretty good. I was glad they didn't suck!

Finally a little while after Mercy ended Eve6 got on stage. It was so cool. Everyone was screaming and going nuts. They seem to have quite a few fans in NJ. (the place was sold out!) At first, I really couldn't see anything. I tried standing on the bar stool. that didn't work too well since my one foot is broken! lol. So finally after the first song or two I said screw it and hopped on the bar. I just sat there rockin' out going nuts. I was really expecting the bartender to kick me off but she didn't it was cool. So I had a really good view. They did play the usual set list. Which IS really good. Everyone seemed to have a good time. It was much more crowded and rowdy compared to the Marvie concert!

After the concert ended we decided to go outside and wait by the bus and see what we could see. We hung around for a little while till a guy came out and told everyone who wanted a picture or autograph to stand in a single file line next to the bus. Finally Max came out. Amy and I were so excited! He put his stuff in the bus and came right back out. He seemed kinda tired and very untalkative. Which was slightly disappointing. He signed my ticket for me, (Which was nice of him) and then we left. My good leg was kinda hurting from standing and we wanted to go home. We were pretty tired! But all in all I had a really good time~ even if I was on crutches! :P



Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap