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Jennifer's Review : From Buzzfest on 4/25/99

I saw eve6 last night at buzzfest in Houston. there were 14 bands there & it was so awesome!!!!!! there was an autograph table and almost every band there was signing autographs at one point during the day. to make a long story short, my friends and i met my friend steve, sponge, Tommy Hendrickson, chlorine and of course eve6!!! some of my other friends met better than ezra but that meant missing eve6's set so we decided to skip that.

anyway------lit was on the side stage and they should of been on the main stage b.c. almost everyone there went to see them and i got there 20 minutes before there set and we were still way back from the stage. lit was awesome even thought they only played for like 25 or 30 min. when they played i am my own worst enemy he said to call in mtv and get 98 degrees off the countdown and put lit on, everyone started cheering. the only thing that mad me mad was they didn't play miserable : ( . oh well......anyway.....a little bit later we got in line to get lit's autographs but while were waiting in line, they escorted lit out and were so mad but then they brought eve6 in to sign so we were really happy. anyway.....we waited in line a little bit more and we finally go up there to eve6. they weren't really talking to anyone they were just signing and passing it on. but.....we were wearing these shirts that had a picture on the front from the last time we met them and it said Houston, Texas...oct.2, 1998 (the day we met them) and at the bottom it said eve6. on the back they say liberate the lobsters. so we got up there and max noticed our shirts and he was like hey look sat their shirts guys. and he was like when is this from?? and we were like last time yall were here and i showed them the back and they started laughing and so they signed our shirts and cds and i gave them pictures from the last time we met them and we talked to them a little bit and got pictures with them. it was so awesome!!!!! my mom is going to get the picture developed today. then they had to leave and we got more pictures of them walking away. anyway......

we went and sat back down and better than ezra was playing and we had missed most of their set but it was worth it. between sets we walked up to the 3rd row and stayed there so we got to be in the 3rd row for eve6. we were singing along to every song and i barely have a voice now. they all looked soooo hot. but they didn't play promise....i was really excited about hearing it but they didnt play it....damn. well the whole set was awesome and it was the usual one....I don't have much else to say about the set cause you've all heard about it from others already. but it was so awesome!!!!!

then next was collective soul and they were awesome too...but anyway if you want to hear anything else or see my pictures when they are scanned email me!!!



Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap