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Cathy's Review : From Pittsburgh, PA on 4/2/99

Hey eve6~anites!
Well, I must say that the Pittsburgh show last night was incredible!
Max got a new tattoo on the left side of his neck of Chinese symbols, that he
got here in Pittsburgh Thursday night! Well let me start off at the
When my friends and I first got there, we stood in line, and I walked
away for a minute to take a glance down the alley, and I saw the bus. I
grabbed my friends and we ran down to the bus. Standing there were a few fans
including Heather =) who I was stoked about seeing after talking to her for
like 4 months online! Anywho, after about 5 minutes standing there, Jon came
out of the building, and he signed autographs, and I got my picture taken
with him. I had bought a rose for each of the guys, and I gave Jon his. He
took it and said "ohh cool thanks!".....then I told him I had something else
as I fished through my big ass purse to find it. He just kinda looked and
smiled and said "another gift??" I found the gift which was a silver necklace
that said spice in turquoise and blue lettering, and I gave it to him...i hope
he liked it. After Jon went back inside, my friends we getting impatient,
and wanted to go back up in line, so I gave Max's and Tony's roses to a
roadie, and he said he would take them to the dressing room..but i wanted to
see Tony and Max. When we finally went back up in line, i looked back down
the alley..and some kid screamed Max's name...he looked up at us and went
inside the I and a few other fans ran to the bus in hopes of seeing
him, but he never came out..and once again my friends got pissed b/c they
wanted the ticket receipt I was holding.
We got back in line, and into the building. My friends and I went up
to the stage, and we were standing in about the 4th row. After waiting for a
while, LIT came on, and I eventually got pushed up to the 2nd row which was
really cool! After one of their songs, I reached into my back pocket for
notes that I took down for Rachel who had meet them Wednesday night =) So A
JAY came over in front of me and reached for the note I was handing to
him...and he said "what is this" as he took it, and I told him how he had
met Rachel in Rochester, and it was a note from he said cool, took
it and put it in his pocket. Aftet that during 2 songs, he held my hand, and
let ME sing into his mic for my own worst enemy!!!! He was soo fuckin cool,
and the band is great!!!
Next on stage was EVE6, and they put on an incredible...I loved how
Max was grabbing his balls during I touch myself! =) When they started
playing inside out, i pulled out a sign I had made in hopes of getting on
stage to sing w/my heroes (the sign said "Rendezvous can I sing with you?").
Jon looked at it and laughed, then Tony saw it, laughed..and pointed to Max
saying "ask him". When Max saw it, he laughed....then he pulled a guy up,
then said he needed somebody all the people around me were pointing
to me saying "PICK HER!!!!" He looked over to me, pointed at me and said
"Don't you pull that shit on me!!!" He was smiling as he said it. Needles
to say, he wouldn't let me come up. When they finished singing inside
out..Max came over to me, and I folded up the sign and handed it to him. His
eyes got wide and he asked "can I have this?" So I said sure and handed it
to him. Max took the sign, rubbed it over his face, kissed it, set it down,
and then looked at me and said thank you.
Then the guys left the stage..and Max came back on wearing a big pink
wig, and the guys did Leaving on a Jet Plane and Superhero girl before
leaving the stage. The show was incredible..and I got Max's pick! Fantastic
show! The night was wonderful, but I still didn't get the chance to give Max
and Tony the gifts I bought them (a kinky vibrating lobster for Max, and a
"cheese is good shirt" for Tony). I tried convincing a few roadies to escort
me to the guys so I could give them to them......but nobody would let
me...and my friends were getting pissed and wanted to leave, oh
roadie told me he saw the flowers I bought for max and Tony in their dressing
room. So my friends and I were ready to leave, but I wanted to run back to
the bus, knock on the door, and hand it to the first person that came
out.....but I saw Jeremy from LIT, and he signed my cd cover, took a pic, and
gave me a hug =) Once again...the girl that drove was screaming "we have to
fuckin leave now!!"...but I didn't listen and ran back to see A JAY real
quick..he signed my cd cover, took a pic w/me, and I told him how I was
devastated that I didn't get to give Tony and Max their gifts, so he asked me
if I wanted him to give them to the guys b/c he would see I gave
them to A JAY and gave him a hug to say thank you....and he gave me a kiss on
the cheek =) HE IS SUCH A SWEET GUY!!!! I wanted to take him home
with me!!!
That was my night, the show was fantastic, and the guys I met were
incredible! I can only hope that Max and Tony got their gifts...and if
ANYBODY sees Tony wearing a shirt w/a picture of cheese on it, saying "cheese
is good", or Jon wearing a necklace that says "spice"...PLEASE email me or
the list!!!!!!! And people that went to the me and we can
love you guys!!


Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap