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Krista's Review : From Scottsdale, AZ on 5/7/99

Friday, May 7th was the most amazing night of my life. I had been looking forward to this night since the first day that the Eve 6 and Lit concert was announced. Finally, the day came. My day started off like usual, woke up, went to school, came home, blah blah blah. Then, at 3:00 I started to get ready for the concert. I had spent forever looking for a concert outfit, but I finally found it. Silver pants with a ¾ sleeve white shirt and my yellow sneakers (I know it sounds tacky, but it looked cool). Aaron, the guy I went with, picked me up around 3:30. We stopped by my work to drop off a key and we decided to get a drink. Well…of course, I got a nice little bit of red syrup (the kind you put on shaved ice) on my white shirt. So, Murphy's Law started. I freaked and went home to wash it off with a shout wipe…luckily, it came out. So we were off again. I knew where we were going, but I had never been there, so I wasn't completely sure. We started driving and driving and driving, finally we saw the street to turn on. We found the venue and we parked and walked to the entrance. We walked inside and I heard Max's voice (the lead singer of Eve 6) doing the sound check. This really mean man along with Ryan (Eve 6's roadie) came out and they asked what we wanted. We tried to get in for the sound check, but he wouldn't let us. So we went and sat outside on the curb by Eve 6's bus and Lit's trailer and waited and waited and waited. I saw Jeremy (Lit's guitarist) standing between the trailer and bus, but I didn't want to bother them, so we just sat. We could see some of the members of Lit chillin' in their trailer, but it looked like they were eating, so I didn't want to bother them. Finally, it was getting close to the time for the doors to open. We were the third group in line, even though I think we were the first ones there. We waited while we listened to this annoying group behind us talk really loud. I just wanted to go inside. I saw Max, Jon, Kevin and someone else (all members of the bands) walk across the street. It was kinda funny cause nobody recognized them. Finally, around 6:45 they started lining people up. They divided the line into 21 and older and us young people. We waited for like 20 minutes longer, then we were allowed in. We passed by the merchandise table and there was Ryan, who by the way is hot, I was like, "Hey, you're Ryan, right?" He looked all weirded out and was like, "Uh, yeah," he had a smile on his face. I introduced myself and he shook my hand. He was really cool. People were starting to pass us, so we walked in and there was the stage with the drum set's set up. I got a nice spot…front and center. In front of the stage was a small pit type area where the security guards stood. The security guys were HUGE…at least 300 pounds. The bar came up to my chest, and there was like a step on the other side for security to stand on to see over the crowd if something was going on. The venue slowly filled, it was a sold out concert, so there was no extra room. I had to fight to keep my spot, but NOBODY was getting in front of me!!! The lights finally faded and the little girly screams began (not a fan of those girls that all scream and reach out to try to touch them…I'm like, dude, they aren't God, chill). The first Lit guy to come out was Jeremy and everyone started cheering. Kevin, the bassist, was next and finally Allen, the drummer. They began to play the hidden track on their CD…which is just a long cord. The lights faded and out came A Jay, lookin' hot, of course. I don't remember the order of songs, but it was amazing. The chick behind me was like pressed up against me, she was like, "I feel like I'm molesting this girl in front of me," I'm like, yeah, you are…get off me. But there was nowhere to go. So, I didn't care and just enjoyed the show. A Jay had so much energy, jumping around and stuff. There were all these girls around me screaming, but I was just singin' along and lovin' the show. Jeremy brought out this vibrator and was playing the guitar with it…it was pretty funny. At the end of like every other song, Jeremy would throw his pick into the crowd. I have a Marvelous 3 pick, but I had to get a Lit one and an Eve 6 one, but I wasn't going to start screaming and being a stupid girl. Near the end of the show, Jeremy reached out and put the pick into my hand…it was great. Unfortunately, Lit's show came to an end, but I enjoyed every bit of it, it was amazing. They sounded just as amazing as they do on the CD. So then, the stage crew came out and set up for Eve 6…I was so excited. I had been waiting forever to see Eve 6 live, and now, there I was, front and center. The lights finally dimmed and out came Tony, the drummer, followed by Jon, the guitarist, and Max, the lead singer and bassist. They put on an AMAZING show…I loved every minute of it. The cool part was that because I was so close, I made a lot of eye contact with the guys. Jon and I caught each other's eyes quite a bit and one time he even smiled and winked. I never thought of Jon as hot, but he totally is. Another time, there was something going on behind me and the security guards stood up on their little step to see over the crowd and so I had these two 300 pound guy's crotches on each side of me. I could still see a little part of the stage. Jon came and stood in-between them so I could see him and he looked at me with a look of "what's going on" on his face. I sort of shrugged and smiled; he smiled back and started hopping around again. It was really funny. Max was so funny, he would get on the edge of the stage and kneel down with his bass and look out into the crowd. One time he said that the front of the crowd looked to dry…so he went and got a bottle of water and dumped it on us…just what I needed another shower…but it was great anyway. They played a few acoustic songs and Jon played the guitar and Tony played the bongos. Unfortunately, the concert was almost over. They left and came back on for their encore, which was "Superhero Girl". They finished their last song and the lights came on. It was incredible. We slowly shuffled out and when we passed by the merchandise stand where Ryan was, we bought our stuff and headed to the car…but the night wasn't over. We put our stuff in the car and I grabbed my camera. We went to where the bus and trailer was and hung out until the guys came out. The first one to come out was Jeremy, he was totally cool. He signed my CD cover while I held his drink, then he took a picture with me. Then, Max came out. People were all crowding around him asking for autographs, but he didn't have a pen. So he was all, "Does anybody have a pen?" I had my sharpie, so I got his attention and gave it to him. He was like, "Thanks, thanks a lot." I waited for him to finish with everyone else, then I got a picture with him and he signed my stuff and we talked for a minute. Someone asked what the tattoo on his neck meant. I told her it meant courage, and Max was all, "Yeah that's right." I asked him what the one on his arm meant. He told me it meant truth and on his other arm he had stars. His voice was all raspy and he said it always got like that after a show. I'm like, "that sucks". He was really cool. I told him that I loved his lyrics and they had a lot of influence on my writing. He put his hand on his chest and was all, "that means a lot to me, thank you." I told him that someday I was going to be in a band and I'd have a CD out and he would be able to hear his influence on the lyrics. He was like, "that's totally cool, right on." It's amazing, he really has been a HUGE inspiration to me and his lyrics just amaze me, and to be there thanking him in person was awesome. Then, I saw Tony, GORGEOUS Tony. I waited for everyone to clear away and then I got a picture with him and got his autograph. Then, I gave him a hug and was like, "I wanted to thank you," he hugged me back and was like "your welcome" and he was sort of laughing. I told him that I played drums and I loved his drumming and he too was a huge influence on my drumming. When I told him I was a drummer, he was like, that's so cool. He too was very appreciative of the compliment. They were all so personable, which was awesome. Then, I saw Jon and went and got a picture with him and his autograph. We talked about the new CD and the new tour. When I asked him about when the new CD was coming out his eyes got all big and he was like, "I can't wait, I am very excited" and he said he couldn't wait for it to come out. He was really cool. Then, we went over to where A Jay and Kevin were. We were just kinda chillin' there cause we didn't want to interrupt. And A Jay turned around and started talking to us. He was telling us about the Warped Tour, and their plans for the future, and how to get their old CD and stuff. He asked us if we wanted him to get the rest of the guys. We were like no, don't worry about it. Then, Kevin came over and Aaron asked for his autograph, but he had just gotten a piece of pizza and he was starving. So he was like looking at his pizza and then looked at Aaron and asked if he could eat his pizza first. Aaron was like, yeah, sure that's cool. So he told us not to go anywhere and he would be right back. When he finished his pizza he came back and talked to us. He was totally cool, definitely the most personable of them all. After talking to him for awhile we decided it was time to leave. It was so amazing to finally meet them. I had the most amazing night. My knees were bruised from being hit against the stage bar thing, my chest hurt from being mauled from behind and pushed into the bar, and my ears were ringing from the loud music…but it as ALL worth it. I can't believe I finally got to meet them and talk to them. If anyone ever has a chance to see them live, it will be well worth your time!!!



Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap