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Mandy's Review : From David Letterman on 5/11/99

I left at 1am on Tuesday morning. Got to Philly around 7am and then went up to NYC. We called the stand-by line number from pay phones outside the theatre and after about a half hour of busy signals we got through to be told we were standby #'s 56 and 57. we didn't think we were going to get in. so we walked and walked and walked around the city and made fun of all the little girls at TRL to see Ricky Martin and the girls two blocks away from that to see the Backstreet Boys. Then we went back up the the Ed Sullivan Theatre cause we were bored and had nothing to do and some lady came up to us and asked us if we wanted to go to the show. Of course we freaked out and said yes. She gave us this pass thing and told us to be back around 3:00. So, we walked around a little more and then went back. We got in and gave them our pass and they gave us tickets, which made us SUPER happy. Then we had to go talk to someone else and since we were so excited and she said we had lots of energy she gave us little green dots on our tickets and said to be in front of the studio at 4:30 and that we were going to be in the FRONT ROW!! AHHH!! We were jumping up and down and running around the city telling people. We got to the line a little early and were like the 6th ones there. So, they take us inside where we had to wait for a little while longer and got a pep talk and all this shit. But, while we were there we got to hear Eve 6 sound checking, so that was cool. Then they brought everyone else in. (If you weren't in the front row, you had to line up on the side of the building where they would put you in the order of your ticket numbers). We got to go in around 5pm. Then we got introduced the CBS Band and watched some clips of the show and then Letterman came out to "pump us up". So, at first I'm all excited and can't wait to see Eve 6, so I'm not cold at all. Well, after the stupid monologue at the beginning, I started to get really really cold. I was in a tank top and was stupid not to bring a long sleeved shirt cause every always talks about how cold it is in there. So, I'm freezing and we can't even see Dave and can only see half the guests face from where we were sitting, so I was bored. It took forever for Eve 6 to come on. They did an audience pan, but I think the only ones who got on TV was the top balcony, which sucks cause we were front row and I was screaming and throwing devil horns in the air, so I wish I woulda been on TV. FINALLY, the boys came out and we start freaking out. The old people around us didn't like us very much.

The guys seemed pretty excited and were all smiles as they were waiting to come back from commercial and Max finished getting dressed. He came out with his shirt all unbuttoned. Then they played and y'all saw that. It was awesome. We could see them pretty good. Only one camera was in our way and it was pretty easy to look around it and see them all so that was good. Someone wrote in about Dave not shaking their hands, but he did, only it got cut. Actually he got Max to come up beside him and shake his hand beside Dave's desk and Max stood there and threw devil horns at the cameras. They also cut the part after Eve6 was done when Paul Shaffer was making fun of Jon's piercing. It was right before they were talking about Monica Lewinsky. Oh yeah and when Letterman made the remark about Eve6 not being old enough to drink, Max looked up and said "shhh!!" and started laughing. LoL. So, we didn't make it on TV and we SCREAMED A TON, but I think while the performance is on they turn off the audience mics. You can sort of hear us screaming before and after the performance. So, there's my little story.


Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap