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J-Me's Review : From Birch Hill, NJ on 2/26/99

Well, poor Max must be really sick, cause a lot of bands won't cancel more than one show...and yes Eve6 cancelled last night at the Birch Hill in NJ:o(. But they let us go in to see stretch princess and marv 3 and let us keep our tix to come back and see eve6 on april 21...which TOTALLY sux.... cause i am going to another concert THAT night... and have backstage passes..(for 98 degrees... hotties that are MY age....) so..i have to sell my ticket for the show... but i am going to NYC Tues and hopefully max will be better by then, so i can see them. Anyway... i didn't see stretch princess.... they let us in at 8pm and by 930 they hadn't come on yet so me and a few friends left cause we were dying of hunger and sick of standing around... we managed to get back in later...right between set changes!! hehehe i was happy cause i wanted to see marvelous 3 cause i bought their cd and love it. It was very cool. They were so happy cause there was a nice size audience and everyone was into it. The BEST part was at 1210am they went off stage and said they would be back in a few minutes. I KNEW they were going to put the video screen down so we could see them on Letterman!!! they came back out and said they ran to NY for a second and we would understand in a minute. Then they sang freak of the week, then butch just talked and sang a funky happy birthday just wasting we never saw so many commercials.(butch played his guitar during them).. finally they came on...and it was awesome to be standing there watching the band on tv WITH the band. It was cool watching them watch themselves...they were so excited and butch and jayce hugged when it was over..they were so happy and it was a cool experience because how often do you get to watch a band on letterman or something WITH the band. i am glad i stuck around for that cause it was cool I just hope that eve6 is back in business on TUESDAY!!! oh i also liked when marvy did "always something there to remind me" that was very cool. and a bit of bohemian was all cool.

Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap