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Maureen's Review : From Philly, PA on 2/27/99

yo yo yo y'all the concert was so freakin unreal tonite!!!!! Marvelous 3 was so amazing!!! They were by far the best band there! (no offense to eve6/SPrincess fanz) but their stage presence rocks so hardcore!!!!!

First Stretch princess came out... they were pretty kool - they were british which were kool.... but their live show was pretty beat - not much movement... not much talking....the only good thing that happened was the drummer took off his shirt.. haha

Second... was the greatest live band that ever took stage (along w/ FAT of course) - Butch was freakin nutz!!! he was so $%$# awesome! he neevr stood still and you cant take yer eyes off him cuz he always has such a funny expression on his face hehe.. Jayce was so cute.. he was always smiling.. and Slug Rawked as always.. and yes I was very happy that Butch Licked Jayce woohoo hehe

Then was eve6 .. eve6 rawked my world.. they were so awesome.. they hadn't had a few concerts becuz of Max's bronchitis but they played this one the first one since he "got better" he still has a bad cold....but he sounded really cute and they were awesome anyways... they stopped like at an hour and max promised philly next time they'd do an extra half hour....They rawked and Max came out w/ a bright pink wig at the end hehe.... i did notice something Jon is 8000 times hotter in person.. heehe... well I have to go to bed i have 2 wake up early but ... umm it was so awesome

Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap