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Bethany's Review : From Rockfest '99 on 6/5/99

Taxiride: They were good from what I heard but they seriously needed a drummer. But unfortunately they didn't because the lead singers exact words were "He's probably at home blowing chunks." (I just had to put that in there) Anyways they played this one song that sounded like you could go square dancing to and that is not what people wanted to hear at this concert so they started to boo them. But since my sis loves them she was the only one screaming for them.

Marvelous 3: I will always love going to their concerts. They started out with 2 songs that I didn't recognize and then went into their latest album. I love it when Butch sings the beginning of Bohemian Rhapsody. Then he busts into the song 'Every Monday.' I also love how the redid the song "Theres Always Something There to Remind me" which he did as the last song and made everyone sing with him. I love the bass part of that song. And to get the people to scream for them Butch would climb the side of the stage. It was simply marvelous!!!

Better Than Ezra: They were cool. They sang their songs and the lead singer actually came down from the stage (which a guy in front of him and in the back I guess for protection) and had this voice mixer thing. I think it was 3 people but he got them to say something into the device and then went back onstage and played it back it a weird way. I can't really remember what else they did.

Silverchair: I don't remember but I think they sang most of their songs from their new album. And they would sing from their other 2. Daniel started talking about how he couldn't sing the song "Suicidal Dreams" because of the church group that wanted to stop the Rockfest (but did not succeed) and got mad at them and started cussing them out. Then he made everyone say a Hallelujah with him.

Eve 6: Ahhhhhh.. I was in front!!!! This was my second time seeing them and I just love'em. They all came out and started the beginning for Open Road Song. It was soo cute cause Max was shaking his lil' booty for the camera. haha I was screaming and singing along with them the whole time. But then the downside came. Max had to go and instigate a problem. He said that his friend (who he pointed out in the crowd but was really no one) said that he would pay um I think 10 lira for any girl who would take off their shirt. Of course this really raunchy girl had to do it and unfortunately got on the big screen. All I have to say is "why Max did you have to go and do that????" But other than that the concert was awesome cause they sang their new song Promise which I can't wait to hear again!! And of course they did Leech and Inside Out which everyone was singing too.

Mighty Mighty Bosstones: I didn't really hear their concert cause me and my sis got out of the crowd and went walking around for a while.

Sugar Ray: I was in the stands away from the crowd taking a lil rest when Sugar Ray came on. He was good. And he kept saying hi to all the people that were in the stands so I would stand up and yell. Hey at least he recognized us!!

Everlast: Unfortunately for some unknown reason my sis wanted to leave and this happened to be during Everlast. From what I heard though it was terrible. He does not sound the same as he does on the radio. His voice was scratchy. I heard one song that I didn't know and I was so horrible. I didn't know if the notes were supposed to be like that or if he was messing up.

I can't say anything else about the bands next cause I WASN'T THERE!!!!!!! Which makes me really mad cause once I got home, I turned on my radio and who do I hear? Not only did I miss Collective Soul (who I seriously wanted to see) but Butch from Marvelous 3 and Max!!! from Eve 6 was up on stage singing with them. I screamed!!! I am still recovering from the incident but I'll be fine.

Oh! And if anyone saw a girl with yellow hair and a shirt that said "Liberate the Lobsters" with a lobster necklace, then I take full credit cause that was me!!!!!



Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap