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Megan's Review : From Jasper, Alberta, Canada

I went to MuchMusic's (Canadian MTV) SnowJob '99 this March at Marmot Basin in Jasper, Alberta, Canada. SnowJob is when a whole bunch of artists perform at a ski resort over a couple of days. It was a grade nine school trip, and we went on the day that Eve6 was performing.That was my first real outdoor concert, and it was so fun! First of all, all the guys are incredibly hot (esp. Max) and secondly, their music rocks. The crowd went wild over all their songs, and we did a little bit of moshing, but it didn't get out of hand. Their ending performance of Superhero Girl was so good, we encored them, and they played a superb version of I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane. Tony (drummer) even threw some drumsticks out to the fans. Something that really impressed me, though, was Max's politeness. When we all went wild at the end of a song, he would say "You're too kind, too kind" That really impressed me, because it's obvious the guys aren't caught up in the conceited-rock star thing. One more thing. My friend and I were eating in the cafeteria in the lodge at the resort before the concert, when who should walk by, but Max and Tony. We recognized them because we had watched them do their sound check, and asked them for a picture. My friend's last picture on her roll of film was of her with Max and Tony's arms around her. Eve6 is a totally awesome band, and they are very nice. Eve6 are an awesome band and they're really nice guys.

-Meagan Johnston

Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap