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Two Great Friends

Their HomePage Links....

Tina's Territory
Age's Home Page

These are my "surrogate kids". Their mom and I are the best of friends. As soon as I get two minutes, I'll get a pic up of her and her great hubby! Age and Tina are both my friends and like the kids I don't have. I've known them for a very long time and have watched both of them go from children into beautiful young women.

Tina (on the left) is 16 and in her Sophmore year of High School) and is involved in Cheerleading and Gymnastics. Tina's cheerleading squad came in 2nd at a regional competition in 1998/99. They were off to the National Competition in February '99 in Orlando. She's an awesome cheerleader--as a matter of fact, she is on the Varsity Cheerleading sqad. I'm not being biased when I say that this girl has all the right moves! See my pics page for another pic of Tina! She was chosen as a finalist in the Miss Pre-Teen America Pagent. Tina went through her Catholic Confirmation in November '97 and I am proud to say that I was her sponsor. What a choice *L*. Tina loves to ski and go climbing and is an outstanding student. We love to get into all kinds of trouble together. I couldn't be prouder of her if I had her myself *S*.

Adrianne, or Age as we affectionately call her, (on the right) is 18 and is in her Sophmore year of college at Radford University in Radford, Virginia. She was the President of her high school's SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) club; the regional representative in Washington DC for MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) which she attended to input ideas for a Federal law; a member of the Crestwood High School (my alma mater too) Marching Band; the President of my Girl Scout troop. On top of all this she is also a river guide for the White Water Challengers (white water rafting) Age loves to go rock climbing and skiing and this year may even try snowboarding. This year (February '98), as Age's high school graduation present, we went to Stowe, Vermont, on a ski trip. What an AWESOME time we had!!

Age is loving college life. Tina and I went down to VA to visit her at the end of October. It was a great trip and we had lots of fun! It's a beautiful campus! Age is currently a Resident Assistant (RA) in her dorm at Radford University. She is also an avid white water rafter, but you'll always catch her in her kayak. She has definitely got it going in that department. Watching her manuver in her kayak is a definite site to see. She makes it look easy, but let me tell you it's anything but!

See why I'm so proud of these two? I love them both with all my heart and soul and would lay down my life for them. I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity so long ago to become part of their lives.
