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About me

As you know, my name is Sheila. I am a tenth grader at East Pennsboro High School. At school, I like science and all the clubs I'm in. My favorite club is the Drama Club. We do all kinds of neat-o stuff. The musical we put on this year was "South Pacific". It was a lot of fun. I mostly like singing and I am in the Harrisburg Opera Association's Young Performers Ensemble. I also like participating in science fairs and competitions. And I like hanging out with my friends. My friends at school are Theresa, Julia, Beth, Roxanne, Kari, Laura, Seth, Amber, Kensie, and I have a lot more but because of space I can't put them all... I have a bunch of online friends as well. My best buddy on ICQ is Mercutio(Mike). I love shopping, singing, David Duchovny and hanging out with friends.I also like watching The X-Files.

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