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Yeah, so Conrad isn't a member of the band anymore, but I had to give him some credit, right? Conrad is the ex-guitarist of the band. Here are some reasons why He left the band.

1. First of all, he is a CPA, s real accountant with a real job, the profession God has him in.

2.He also attends Chesapeake Theological Seminary. (He's going for his Masters Degree). WooHoo! Go Conrad!

3.Church stuff, college group, adult sunday school, missions commitee, accounting, sound team, blah blah blah...

All three things are what God wanted him in. God wanted them to go full time, and him to go fulltime with other stuff. God's been really good. (of course).
He preached a few times at churches, put on seminars at churches, and went to the philipines to minister. (preach and seminars etc).
Well, now you know mainly why Conrad left. In addition to a guitarist, Conrad was also the writer to many of the band's songs. We'll miss you Conrad!

P.S. And he really like Nicole deBoer of Star Trek DS9. He thinks she's a cutie.

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