List Of Couch Openings
Last updated on December 17, 1995

Episode numbers indicate the couch scene used when the episode was shown forthe first time; in some cases, the one used in Canada is listed where it was"original" and the USA one was repeated
The couch openings are also used in syndication except when marked:
* 1F01 couch opening is used
= 7F14 couch opening is used
Italics indicate a sixth season episode not shown yet in syndication
- 7G02*,7G07* -Bart is squeezed off and pops into the air; duringthe shot of the TV, he is seen coming down
- 7G03*,7G10* -The couch falls apart when everybody is on it
- 7G04*,7G13 -Homer is squeezed off his side of the couch
- 7G06*,7G12 -Maggie is squeezed off and pops into the air; she comes right down intoMarge's arms
- 7G09,7G01 -Everybody fits on the couch
- 7F03,7F12,7F22,9F06* -The couch falls through the floor
- 7F02,7F13,7F23 -The "Simpson Shuffle" (see notes)
- 7F01,7F15 -The couch unfolds into a bed
- 7F05*,7F16* -Maggie ends up in Marge's hair
- 7F08,7F14* -Everybody fits, including Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II
- 7F07*,7F17* -Grampa is lying on the couch sleeping
- 7F06=,7F18,8F04* -Homer tips the couch over sideways; Maggie falls off,but lands on a couch cushion which is on the floor
- 7F09,7F19 -The couch is gone; everyone looks around the empty spot
- 7F10*,7F20* -Homer bumps the others off the couch
- 7F11,7F21* -The couch tips over backwards; Maggie pops up from behind it
- 7F24*,8F22 -The couch tips over backwards, and everybody crashes through the back wall
- 8F01,8F12 -They sit, then Homer pulls Santa's Little Helper out from beneath him
- 8F03*,8F14 -Everybody forms a pyramid
- 8F05,8F15* -Bart lands on everyone's lap
- 8F06*,8F17 -Homer gets to the couch first and lies on it; the others sit on him
- 8F07,8F19 -The seat cushions are missing; when they sit, they "fall into" the couch
- 8F08,8F20 -Two burglars are holding the couch as everybody sits onit; they are dumped off and the couch is carried away
- 8F09,8F21 -Santa's Little Helper is on the couch and keeps everyone else off
- 8F10,8F23 -Everybody cartwheels to the couch (Maggie falls in herattempt and hops there) and strikes a "Ta-Da" pose
- 8F11 -Everybody bounces up and down on the couch;Homer bounces from one side to the other
- 8F16 -A space alien hears them coming, pulls a cord, anddisappears through a trap door in the floor
- 8F13* -Everybody except Maggie bang their heads togetherand lie unconscious on the floor
- 8F24 -Everybody stops as the couch is occupied - by the Flintstones
- 8F18,9F15* -The couch swallows everybody as it transforms into a monster
9F01*,9F12 -The couch rotates 180 degrees through a secret door in the wall;an empty couch takes its place
- 9F02*,9F14* -As Maggie is already seated, Homer, Marge, and Bart run"past the edge of the film" and scurry back to the couch
- 9F04 -Simpson-sized skeletons sit on the couch
- 9F03 -The couch deflates (as if filled with air)
- 9F05,9F17 -Everybody has somebody else's head, which they remove and switch
- 9F07,9F18* -There's a wooden chair in place of the couch;the adults share it, with the children on their laps
- 9F08*,9F13*,9F16*,9F22*,2F08 -Everybody forms a chorus line, which turns into a large production number
- 9F09,9F20 -Everybody is "miniature" and must climb the "giant" couch;Maggie has to be pulled up
- 9F10 -Everybody sits, just before the room is filled with other regular characters
- 9F11,9F19 -Everybody gets caught in a net that was spread on the floor
- 9F21a,1F08,1F21 -Everybody runs into each other and shatters on the floor;Santa's Little Helper examines the damage
- 9F21b*,1F11 -Everybody runs into each other and end up on the couch as a five-headed "blob"
- 9F21c*,1F09*,1F20 -Everybody runs into each other and there's an explosion;eventually, the pacifier lands and bounces away
- 1F02,1F12,2F33 -Everybody, plus the couch, is crushed by a foot that isreminiscent of how "Monty Python's Flying Circus" opens
- 1F01 -Everybody stops as the couch is occupied - by an identical Simpson family
- 1F04 -A Zombie Simpson family crashes through the floor from belowand sits on the couch
- 1F03 -The couch is painted on a wall, which everybody runs through
- 1F05,1F13 -A fat man takes up most of the couch; everybody squeezesinto the tiny spot remaining
- 1F06,1F15,2F02*,2F04 -The room is dark as five pairs of eyes go to the couch; light reveals thatit's only eyes, as eyeless bodies quickly enter, sit down, and reattach tothe eyes
- 1F07*,1F19* -Everybody sits, then notice they're on the set of "Late Show withDavid Letterman" as "Dave" turns face forward
- 1F10 -Everybody pokes their head up from behind the couch(Maggie does it from behind a cushion on the couch)
- 1F14 -Everybody sees two couches, then they each split into two halves,each half sitting on a couch
- 1F16 -Everybody is shaped like a ball and bounces aroundbefore landing on the couch and returning to normal
- 1F18 -Everybody sits, then Homer gets up, rips the FOX logo from the screen corner,and they all stomp on it
- 1F22,2F12 -Everybody begins seated as if on an invisible couch; the couch comes inin pieces and forms itself atop them, causing them to fall to the floor
- 1F17,2F13 -The floor is well underwater, and only the tops of everybody's heads arevisible until they reach the couch (Bart is using a snorkel)
- 2F01,2F14* -Everybody is "beamed aboard" the couch in original "Star Trek" style(complete with sound effect)
- 2F03 -Everybody enters with a mismatched head and limbs (for example, one of Bart'slegs is now Lisa's right arm, and Lisa's arms are where her legs should be)
- 2F05,2F15 -Everybody bounces up off the couch and gets their heads stuck in the ceiling
- 2F06,2F18 -Everybody chases the couch as it, along with the back wall,moves backwards away from them
- 2F07,2F16 -Everybody runs by the same TV and couch again and again,all except Maggie grinning the whole time
- 2F09,2F19 -Everybody runs to the couch from a different side (Margeruns down the side of a wall) in an M.C. Escher-style house
- 2F10,2F21 -The "James Bond" film opening, only with Homer in front of the couchfiring the gun
- 2F11,2F22 -In black & white, everybody (wearing Mickey Mouse gloves)waves their hands in circles
- 2F31,2F32 -A giant Maggie, a slightly smaller Lisa, and so on down to a tiny Homer,sit on the couch
- 2F20 -As the couch moves aside, everybody lines up in front of a police lineupheight chart
- 2F17 -The couch acts like a FAX machine, and a sheet with a picture of everybody(in couch-sitting position) comes up from the back and slides beneath it
- 3F01 -Everybody, including SLH, Snowball II, and Grampa, appear in eightsquares "Brady Bunch" style (with the couch in the middle); all butGrampa run to the couch
- 3F02 -Everybody is wearing fezzes and drives around in minicars like Shriners
- 3F03 -Everybody runs to the couch, entirely gray; the colors are thenspray-painted on them
- 3F04 -Everybody drops from above, hanging from their necks by nooses;Maggie still manages to suck her pacifier
- 3F05 -Everybody is a wind-up doll
- 3F06 -Everybody is put on the couch by a pinsetter, after Snowball II isscared off by the pin-clearing bar
- 3F08 -Everybody is a sea-monkey and swims to a couch made of clam shellsto stare at a treasure chest
- 3F31 -A sequence of openings: 8F18, 9F02, 9F10, 9F09, 8F09, 1F02, 2F31,2F09, 2F06, 1F17, 2F11, and 9F08
- 3F07 -Homer pulls a drain plug from the floor, and everybody and everythingis sucked down the drain
7G08 (the Christmas Special), 7F04, 8F02 (the first two HalloweenSpecials), 7G05, and 7G11 do not have couch openings
The "Simpson Shuffle": everybody is in a line in front of the couch; theydo two "Egyptian struts" (right arm up, left arm down, wrists at 90-degreeangles) in one direction, then two in the other, then sit on the couchwith arms in a "ta-da" position.
9F04, 1F04, and 2F03 are Hallween Special couch openings.
9F21 used three openings (shown in order 9F21a, b, c); between openings,a clapboard marked "Couch Gag - Take 2 (3)" appeared, and someone shouted"Take Two (Three)"
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