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This section of my homepage is dedicated to none other than JC. Here is his profile: <

Full Name: Joshua Scott Chasez

Also Known As: JC

Birthdate: August 8, 1976

Birthplace: Washington, DC

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Blue

Belly Button: Innie

Height: 5'11

Weight: 165 lbs.

Shoe Size: 11

Mom and Dad: Karen and Roy

Siblings: Brother TJ and Sister Heather

Nickname: Big Daddy because he watches out for the other guys all the time. He watches what they all eat and he makes sure that they get enough rest. He’s also called Sleepy ‘cause JC loves to sleep!

Nationality: English And French

Fave Musical Artists: Stevie Wonder, Seal, East 17

Music: He likes Jazz

Fave Colors: Black and Silver and Blue

Fave Food: Chinese Food

Fave Gals: Naomi Campbell, Michelle Pfieffer

Fave Spice Girl: Mel B.

Fave Film: Star Wars Trilogy

Fave Actors: Harrison Ford and Meg Ryan

5 Fave Animals: dog, hare, parrot, goat, monkey

5 Fave CD's: D'Angelo/Brown Sugar, Sting/Nothing Like The Sun, Michael Jackson/History, Brian McKnight (Both Of Them), Sade/Greatest Hits

Fave Sport And Team: Football & Washington Redskins. He also likes Michigan State football

Favorite Places To Spend Free Time: Jazz clubs and coffee houses

What He Misses Being On The Roa: His Bed

5 Thing You Always Take With You On Tour: My Keyboard, My Guitar, Photo's of Family and Friends, My Walkman (very important), and My Phonecard (I don't have any coins with me)

5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do: Skydive, see the whole world, fly in space, fly a jet (airplane) and to write a timeless song

5 Most Important People In My Life: My Family, Friends, Teacher, Classmates, 'N Sync

Transportation: JC Drives A Jeep

Speeding Ticket: He once drove a car at 80 miles in a 60 miles zone, so he had to pay $70

Who He Would Have A One On One With: He would definetely chose Jesus Christ. "It doesn't come any more huge than that."

Musical Inspirations: Sting, Seal

What He Values: Quietness

What He Looks For In A Girl: He has a thing for eyes and lips

First Kiss: When He Was 6 with a girl named Lea Thompson (not the actress)

Likes: singing, dancing, writing music, movies, in-line skating

Dislikes: Liars

Known For: Being the daddy of the group and being the sleepiest member of 'N Sync

Group ID: The Serious One

His Spice Name Would Be: JC Spice or Sleepy Spice

What Makes Him Go Ooh: A cool chord change in a song!

Good Attitutes: Whenever there's a problem in 'N Sync, the boys sit down and JC finds a good solution for all sides

Personality: Calm, cool and collective

Worst Quality: Procrastination (Just like I am)

Introduce Yourself In One Sentence: Hi, I'm JC and I'm not bossy, I'm just in order!

Philosophy(s): "Treat people the way you want to be treated," which his dad drilled into him. "If you respect someone else, they're going to respect you. If you don't..."

Fun Fact: JC keeps a stuffed animal from a show to sleep on while he's travelling. He is dubbed "Mr. Casual" by the rest of the guys but he likes to make an effort for a date. He likes to dress casually so he'll feel comfortable. To get ready of a date, JC has to shower and while he's in there he sings!!! And for the date? He just does whatever he feels like doing at the time. He leaves being romantic up to Lance (who says he's not romantic at all!)

The Type Of Jewlery JC Wears: "Honest, I'm not a real stylish person. You see that...I wear a leather ribbon with my starsign around my neck. I bought it at a music festival, where I was with my parents..Since that day I wear it day and night. My necklace is silver, the design is Greek. I bought in at a market last June. I really like it because it's simple."

Food Fact: He has to eat chinese at least once a week

Funny Fact: JC does dance in front of the mirror quite a lot and he makes all these crazy faces at himself.

Sleepy Fact: He once had a whole conversation with his sister one night while he was sleeping and didn't know it.

Worries: He's pretty paranoid. He tends to really stress about how many records 'N Sync's selling and what people think and all that.

Chris On JC: He's very hardworking and dedicated and he's a very serious sort of person. I don't mean he's not fun, but he knows when it's time to play and when it's time to work. He's really dedicated to his career and that's really admirable".

Ex-Girlfriend: He once dated a girl named Fancy and he thought that he was in love with her but he says they were both only 15. " She was a beautiful girl inside and out but it was a teenage thing." She ened up moving away and the relationship ended.

Friendship: JC likes to be around people so he won't get lonely- he values friendship very much.

Before A Date: He takes a shower and while he's in there he sings!

Bad Habit: Chewing his nails
Special Talents: Able to Tumble does Standing back handsprings, Roundoff Back hand springs, And RoundOff Series!

Hobbies: Basketball

All the info on this page comes from magazines or TV interviews with 'N Sync. Some info may be old and some may be untrue.

Tearin Up My Heart

This is JC in Tearin Up My Heart. Isn't he just adorable?


This pic of JC is taken from the debut album. He sure is cute isn't he?