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Full Name: Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr.

Also Known As: Joey

Nicknames Party Animal, Mr. Flirt

Birthdate: January 28, 1977

Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Brown

Belly Button: Innie

Height: 6'3

Weight: 195 lbs.

Shoe Size: 12

Mom and Dad: Phyllis and Joe

Siblings: Sister Janine and Brother Steven

Highschool Attended: Dr.Phillips High

Relegion: Catholic

Likes: Collecting Superman Memorabilla, dancing, going to clubs, Jetskiing

Dislikes: Fake People

Fave Colour: Purple & Red

Fave Actors: Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster

Fave Spice Girl: Geri

Fave Word: Burrtt!

Fave Food: Italian Food, especially his mother's home cooked meals

Fave Drink: Pepsi

5 Fave Animals: Tiger (plush), Puppy, Panther (plush), monkey and dog

Fave Babe: Demi Moore

5 Things You Always Take With You On Tour: Walkman, Photo's of Family and Bestfriends, My fave clothes, My beloved Superman watch or clock and games

5 Most Important People In My Life: My family, Erik, Fonzy and Joel (my very best friends), my friends, 'N Sync and my teacher

5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do: Go on tour, travel around the world, own a real tiger or panther, sing a duet with a famous artist and have sucess

5 Fave CD's: West Side Story, Boyz II Men, Do It Acapella, The Best Of Doo Wop and Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers

Likes in Girls: "Someone who is fun to be with, enjoys company, has a great personality, is honest, can take a joke and likes going to the movies. I like girls who aren't afraid to speak their mind. I don't really have a type, I like women with long hair, ginger hair, red hair, dark hair - it doesn't matter!"

On dates: Joey likes to wear something interesting and different because he doesn't want to look like anybody else.

Fun Fact: Joey said he's useless at sports. The only one he's good at is inline skating.

Nationality: Italian

Transportation: Drives an Acura SLX, NEW!! Joey just bought a new car on June 17th. It's a Chevy Blazer that's hunter green with white on the lower section of the car.

Who He Would Have A One-On-One With: William Shakespeare so he can talk to him and find out what he (Shakespeare) was thinking about when he wrote his plays.

Type Of Jewlery He Wears: "I'm completely covered with all this Superman stuff. This Superman earring I got from Lance for Christmas three years ago. That 'N Sync ring was a present from a girl when I was in high school. My earrings are from my friend and I always wear them! This Superman bracelet I bought at the Warner Brothers Store in do I need to tell about this watch and necklace..??"

He Loves To: To dance and to flirt. He is a big FLIRTER!!!

His Spice Name Would Be: Flirty Spice

What Makes Him Go Ooh: A girl who smells really good!

Gets Annoyed When: Justin's grumpy and he tries to cheer him up and it doesn't work

Job In The Band: Besides singing and dancing and flirting, is to cheer the other guys up when they're down.

Introduce Yourself In One Sentence: Hi, I'm outgoing and try to make people laugh

Motto: Never Give Up

Personal Quote: "No matter what I do, I go at it full-till and can't be stopped." 

About Him: Joey has the title of "Biggest Flirt". That was a given. His secret? "I'm always happy. I'm the flirtatious, happy-go-lucky one of the band. If someone's down I try to get them in a good mood - that's my charm! I have to look on the bright side of everything.

Bad Habit: Biting his nails.

First Kiss: His first kiss was with a girl he never really had any interest in. He was pushed in a closet and they just kissed.