To use your credit card for your order, select first the desired items. Then fill out the information boxes and either click the submit button, or print out this page, filled out with the proper information, and mail it to us. (If your browser supports frames, there is a link also in the left frame called "Contact Us.") ( Wholesale order minimum units of 20.) SELECT ITEM ACCESSORIES STEM AND CONE SET $7" ADJUSTABLE CONE $5" CERAMIC STEM AND CONE $15" SIX SHOOTER $20" CIGARETTE TUBE MAKER $22" TUBES PER 100"$1.50 AUTO ROLLING TIN $15" MULLERMATIC with drawer $10" BALANCE SCALE 100G $50" SUPERIOR BONG WASH $5SELF PACK POCKET PIPE $50"BENT STOKER $1"TANITA DIGITAL SCALE $380"BRASS BOWL WITH LEAF $15"STANDARD CHAMBER $12"BUBBLE CHAMBER $15" CERAMICS ALIEN LARGE$35" HAND GRIPPER $35" ACRYLIC GRIPPER $20" GUN $35" ALIEN SMALL $28" ALIEN POCKET PIPE $18" PIGGY BILLY $28" INDIAN $35" GRIPPER $35" MEDIUM BUBBLE $35"SMALL TREE MAN $20"MEDIUM tREE MAN $35"LARGE TREE MAN $45"FATHERS FACTORY $50" PYREX GLASS BONGS SMALL BUBBLE $28" MEDIUM BUBBLE $40" LARGE BUBBLE $50" TAR CATCHER $99.95" DIDGERIDOO $55" DOUBLE BUBBLE $45" TALL RIPPLE STRAIGHT $50" HAPPY VALLEY TAR CATCHER $38" COCONUT AND BAMBOO $35" JAR AND BAMBOO $28" Minimum order for Bulk is 10 pieces. !!Type it here if you are ordering in bulk!! SPECIAL OFFER TAR CATCHER $84.95 TAR CATCHER WITH BUBBLE CHAMBER $94.95 ALL GLASS TAR CATCHER ON SPECIAL ONLY $99.95 You can type any extra order items that you may have HERE; Do you have any comments? Type it all here and we'll get right on it! Now, for Internet based transactions, enter your CreditCard number and click the submit button. That's all there is to it! We will call you on the next working day to confirm your order.
Last year 99.9% of all orders made by 12:00 pm were shipped on the day they were received. Ordering on this website will result in shipment on the next working day. (Mon.-Fri.) Thank you for visiting