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Mi Amigos

Jenelle ~ It was great... Never forget it!

Kym ~ Kymbo.. Oh I how I owe you big time... Anything... you name it!!

Kevin ~ uhh theres a lot of issues right now... And I'm not talking about lsd and pringles!!

Georie ~ What can i say about georie... we've had some really good times together...I never see her anymore though...Don't get all too good...

Emily ~ This girl was my first "Puppy Love". Shes awesome ... We've had some real good times together too... Prom 2003!!!!

Emily Harrity ~ I don't think thats on the tape... what about the scrumpin' room upstairs by the Choir room!!!

Fara ~ Fara Schumann!! When are ya takin me out.. i got an idea.. we could go hang out w/ all you WARREN TRASH friends!! hehehe

Kyler ~ aka "SqUeAk" hes preatty queer... i just put him on here cause his mom payed me to...

Renee ~ Green presents!!! Sorry about that...

Jess~ She is really cool. Shes always fun to be around.

Tyler ~ Spaz.. That fits you well!!!

Alisia~ Gotta love alisia!!!

Jason Rourke~ "Oh my god we almost got killed!!"

Karen Harlen~ She's my good looking cousin and from Kane. Prep!! Hehehe Just playin!

Ashley ~ thanks for being there for me babe... Someday you'll realize!!

Chari- What can i say about chari???

Sara Edmiston~ MAMMA... I MISS YOU!!!!

Katie~ We gotta get together sometime!!!

Gwen Crisman~ You are the only reason i go to k-mart!!!

Allie Moore~Ohhhh Becccaa!! My bio partner!!
If I am Forgeting you and you THINK you are one of my Few friends E-mail me about it!!!
