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Prohibitions part 4

Prohibitions Part IV
by Lauren Kelly © 1997

"Doctor, prepare for a medical emergency!" Came the Captains voice.
Knowing that it had to be Paris, the Doctor prepared for the worst. But nothing could have prepared him for the sight he would behold. The away team looked fine, if not a little shocked, but Paris was another story.
"Quickly, help me get him onto a bio-bed." He said to Kim. Immediately he injected Paris with the strongest sedative he had. That stopped the convulsions, and would ease the withdrawal process. But that was all that he could do for now. This was Mr. Paris’s battle, all the Doctor could do at this point was watch.


Janeway couldn’t wait anymore "Commander, you have the Bridge, I’m going to Sickbay."
"Captain," the Commander started uneasily " do you mind if I go with you?"
"Not at all, Lt. Ayala, you have the bridge."


Slowly Tom opened his eyes, only to be met with a bright light. Quickly he squinted and heard a somewhat familiar voice call out "Computer, lower lights 50%" Ahhh.. that was better
"His eyes still haven’t adjusted to our higher degree of light, this is often a side effect for people who have been kept in unusually dark places for over a week" Said the familiar voice once again "this will pass in a few days."
Could it…. No, it couldn’t be the doctor, this was probably one of their mind tricks. Then again, Tom felt amazingly good, and not from the effect of the drugs. Maybe….
Another familiar voice interrupted his thoughts "Tom! Can you hear me?!"
Tom fixed his eyes on the on the speaker’s face. Yes, it was Captain Janeway, it had to be! This felt way to real to be a hallucination! Still…..
Well, hallucinations or not, the Doctor, Captain Janeway, and Chakotay were looking very concerned with his not responding.
"Hi." Tom said simply.
Janeway shot a questioning glance to the Doctor, then said "Hello Tom, how are you feeling."
Another glance at the Doctor. "Tom, do you remember what happened?"
Paris decided to not respect that with an answer. What a stupid question. The REAL Janeway would never have asked something like that. "Get away from me." he muttered.
Janeway reached for Tom, trying to give him some comfort by giving his shoulder a confident squeeze. But was promptly swat away. "Don’t touch me!" Paris hissed "I’m sick of these games, what more do you want from me?"
This time Chakotay stepped in "Tom, you’re on Voyager, you’re in sickbay. We’re your friends and we want to help you."
His only response was a blank stare.
"Captain, Commander," whispered the Doctor "obviously my patient is not in the mood for visitors. Please step aside, I’ll call you at the first sign of improvement."

That’s all for now folks, yeah, I know, not much of a story. I’ll do better next time!
Legal stuff: yadaa yadda yadda I don’t own any of the characters so on on on on on on
