Beloved B'Ellana Part 3
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Beloved B'Ellana Part 3

Author's note: I don't know much about San Francisco in this time, because I haven't come across any descriptions in any of the books yet, but I would assume that they haven't torn down Fisherman's Wharf, either of the bridges, or the old prison on Alcatraz Island. They are slightly mentioned as historical landmarks. If they're not supposed to be there, oh well. They are.

Beloved B'Elanna, Part 3 - Fearful Emotions
by Cheile

Dedicated to Robbie McNeill and Roxann Dawson. Why? 'Cause they're the best! :)

  • ****************
  • "As I lay me down to sleep
  • This I pray
  • That you will hold me dear
  • Though I'm far away
  • I'll whisper your name into the sky
  • And I will wake up happy."
  • -- Sophie B. Hawkins, "As I Lay Me Down"


    B'Elanna watched out the shuttle's window as Deep Space Nine became smaller and smaller in the distance. Soon, it faded into the never-ending darkness of space.
    *Good-bye, Tom. I'll miss you, even if you don't miss me.*

    Tom watched the shuttle become smaller until it vanished, then turned away, tears stinging his eyes. She was gone. Forever. He would never see her again. And she didn't know that he loved her.


    Twelve exhausting hours later, B'Elanna left the shuttle, and for the first time, set foot on Earth.

    Once off the landing pad and outside the shuttle docking station, she took a good look around. San Francisco was a booming city, despite the danger of its frequent earthquakes. Of course, most structures built nowadays were built with quake-proof metals. It was highly doubtful that there would ever be another disaster like the major earthquakes of 1906 and 1991.

    From the docking station, the city spread out in three directions. Starfleet Headquarters rose in the near distance. Not far away was the Academy. Down aways to her left was Fisherman's Wharf, still bustling as it had been in the 20th century, when the Wharf was one of San Francisco's main tourist attractions. Beyond the Wharf sparkled the bay. In the center of the bay, still a popular attraction, was the old prison island, Alcatraz. The Golden Gate Bridge stretched across the bay, another attraction, though hardly used as it had been in the 1900's and 2000's, connecting the city with Marin County. Downaways was the gray stretch of the Oakland Bay Bridge, connecting San Francisco and Oakland.
    Oakland. She looked toward the nearby city, half-obscured by the fog. There was nothing for her here in San Francisco, only memories of her Academy days, which she'd rather soon forget. But in Oakland, she could start again, forget her painful past, forget Tom....
    A lump rose in her throat, threatening to dissolve into tears, but she forced it back.


    B'Elanna stepped into the lobby of the Oakland Hilton. Compared to the muggy day, it was much cooler inside. After letting her eyes get adjusted to the semi-darkness, she approached the desk.

    The girl at the desk looked up. "Yes, may I help you?" She had black, flowing hair, bright amethyst eyes and looked about ten years younger than B'Elanna. Her name tag read "Serena".
    She noticed B'Elanna's uniform and smiled. "Just come from the Academy?"
    "No, from Deep Space Nine."
    Serena nodded. "Do you know anything about the lost starship Voyager? I heard they finally got back."
    A smile touched B'Elanna's face. "I was Voyager's chief engineer."
    Serena's eyes grew. "You were--wow! This is neat! I never thought I'd actually meet someone from Voyager."
    B'Elanna laughed at her amazement. "Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres. It's nice to meet you."
    Serena's grin was a mile wide as she entered information into her data padd. "Wait until I tell everyone this. They won't believe me."
    "If they won't believe you, bring them to see me. Then they'll believe you."
    "How long do you wish to stay?" Serena asked, trying hard to get back to business, but still amazed at who was standing before her.

    "Indefinitely," B'Elanna told her. "Chief O'Brien has estimated repair time as six months--and I really don't want to go anywhere, since I am staying on Voyager. I figured I should be nearby in case Starfleet needs me."
    Serena nodded. "Room 1240. 12th floor. Turbolift's over there."
    B'Elanna reached down to pick up her bag, shouldered it and headed for the turbolift, calling good-bye to Serena. Only a second later, she heard Serena on the monitor phone. "Erin? It's me. You will never guess who I just met...."
    B'Elanna smiled and shook her head as she stepped into the turbolift.


    Three days later, B'Elanna again ran into Serena, on duty at the desk.
    "Hi, Lieutenant Torres."
    "Hello, Serena."
    "I found this on the floor after you left the other day." Serena held up a picture padd. "Is it yours?"

    Serena leaned over her shoulder. "Say, who's that cute guy? Your boyfriend?"
    "No," she said. "Tom's only a friend." She hoped Serena hadn't heard the catch in her voice.
    Serena apparently hadn't. "Well, he sure is cute. Talk to you later," she added, motioning to some people approaching the desk.


    B'Elanna left the Hilton an hour later, deciding to explore Oakland. Serena had given her a map and a list of "way cool things to check out".
    The picture of Tom was hidden in the bottom of her bag, beneath that silly tropical dress she'd worn to the luau three years ago. If she kept it hidden forever, maybe she could forget. Yet deep in her heart she knew she would never forget him.

  • "You're logical
  • you can't find
  • Any reason to believe in love
  • You are blind."
  • -- Jars of Clay, "Blind"
  • ******************

    By the time B'Elanna had checked out all the sights Serena had suggested, had dinner, and visited with the Captain, Neelix and Kes, it was seven-forty-five and growing dark. Deciding that the walk would do her good, B'Elanna set out from the hoverbus stop on the three-mile walk back to the Hilton.
    She passed a holo-arcade on the corner of Schubert and Cramer, filled with teenagers. Many turned to eye her, but whether impressed by her Starfleet uniform or intrigued by her brow ridges, she wasn't sure.

    Another five minutes passed before B'Elanna realized she was being followed. But when she glanced behind her, she couldn't see anything. Of course, that might account for the slowly growing shadows. She shrugged to herself and continued on, but hadn't taken three steps when a voice came out of the darkness.
    "Hey there."
    B'Elanna whirled around, instantly wary. Six years in the Delta Quadrant had taught her to be even more cautious.
    "Who's there?" she demanded.
    There was silence.
    B'Elanna tried to peer into the shadows. "Answer me."
    "All right, sweetie," said the same sarcastic voice. A tall, thin young man stepped from a nearby shadow. He had blond hair that fell over one eye.
    "Well, well. Aren't you a pretty girl--and walking all by yourself? Don't you know how dangerous it is to be alone around here? Where are you going?"

    "I hardly see what business that is of yours," she snapped. "It is because I want it to be, baby." "And don't call me 'baby'." "Why not?" "Don't push me," she snarled. "You know that I'm the stronger of us two," he smirked. "We'll see about that," B'Elanna shot back. She stepped forward.

    Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind. Her wrists were pulled to the small of her back and though she attempted to pull away, she was powerless. Two others appeared out of nowhere, grinning, their intent obvious.
    "Hey, boys, look what we've got!" laughed the leader of the gang. "A part-Klingon!"
    B'Elanna struggled to break free. She tried to kick the one holding her from behind. Her foot connected with his ankle.
    He howled and released her. She spun around, lashing out at two of the other thugs. One ducked her swing. The second was not so lucky. Her blow slammed him against the nearby wall. He fell, and she knew by the odd angle of his neck that he was dead.

    But there was no time to think about that. Before B'Elanna could react, three of them jumped her and though she fought, they overpowered her, pinning her arms behind her. She struggled furiously, but they held her down.
    The last thing she felt was searing pain in her head before she was engulfed by merciful blackness.

    Tiffany Nielsen hurried down the sidewalk. Dusk was falling. She was supposed to meet her friends at the holo-arcade so that they could try out the new K2 climbing program. Now that Tiffany was fourteen, she met the age safety requirement.
    Tiffany glanced at her watch. Eight-twenty. T'Nera had said to meet at eight-twenty. Now she was late.

    She glanced at the darkening shadows as she began walking faster. Her father always worried excessively about someone abducting her. Tiffany knew not to take shortcuts through the dark pathways, but her father still reminded her every time.

    She continuing scanning the shadows with her eyes. A corner where the light couldn't reach--a stray cat--a person.... A person?

    Tiffany stopped short. Was she imagining things? No, she thought as she squinted into the deepening shadows. That definitely looked like a person. But was it someone in hiding--or something else? Digging through her pack, she came up with her mini-flashlight. If necessary, it could make a passable weapon.
    Tiffany switched on the flashlight--and the sight it revealed shocked her.

    A young woman lay unconscious on the ground. She was bruised and battered. Deep cuts were evident on her forehead and arms. Still-wet blood was seeping into her raven hair.
    Tiffany ran to her side, feeling at her neck for a pulse. It was there--but faint. She didn't have much time, Tiffany knew. She had to act fast--or the young woman would die.

    The first thing she had to do was stop the blood flow from her arms and the cut on her forehead. Tiffany took her scarf and with her small pocket knife, she cut it into three pieces. Two she tied around the biggest cuts on her arms, the third she pressed against the head cut. Tiffany noticed her gentle sloping brow ridges, declaring her Klingon heritage, but didn't think twice about it.

    The young woman stirred for the slightest second and murmured something Tiffany could not understand. "It's okay," Tiffany whispered. "I'll get help." "Tom," she murmured. "Shh," Tiffany said softly. "You'll be okay."

    A humming sound from behind her distracted her. She turned to see Eric, T'Nera's cousin, look out the window of his small hovercraft. "Hey Tiff, what's going on?" "Eric, call for an ambulance quick!"

    At the sight of the young woman, Eric hopped out. "What happened to her?" "Someone must have jumped her." Tiffany's voice was full of icy anger. "I hate prejudiced people."

    Eric had noticed the Klingon brow ridges and nodded. "I'll get an ambulance, Tiff." He hurried for his craft, where he had a communicator.
    Precisely two minutes later, an ambulance arrived. As Eric headed to Tiffany's house to tell her parents what had occurred, Tiffany got into the ambulance to go to the hospital.


    One-thirty a.m.
    Tiffany rubbed her temples. It had been five hours since the ambulance had arrived. Her parents had called, saying that she could stay to find out the young woman's condition and commending her on being so brave to help a stranger. "Miss Nielsen?" Tiffany shot up straight. "Yes?"

    A blond doctor and a police officer were standing above her. "You were with the young woman who was brought in?" said the doctor. "Yes." Tiffany's stomach twisted. "Is she all right?" "Her condition is critical. She has a serious concussion and is in a coma." "I would like to ask how you found her, Tiffany," said the officer.

    "I was walking to meet my friends at the holo-arcade on Schubert and Cramer when I saw something odd in the shadows. I got out my flashlight and turned it on. I saw her lying on the ground. She was bleeding and I--" Tiffany's voice caught. "I couldn't leave her there."
    The officer nodded. "It was an honorable thing you did, Tiffany. Not many would have followed your lead." She nodded. The two left.

    Six-twenty a.m.
    Tiffany was completely awake. When Doctor Bannon arrived, she would be allowed to visit the young woman again--even if only for five minutes. Seeing her that first time had scared her a little. She was hooked up to a heart monitor, lying absolutely still, eyes closed. She had not made a sound since murmuring "Tom", hours before.
    "Tiffany Nielsen?"

    Tiffany jerked her head up. An auburn-haired woman in Starfleet uniform stood above her. Tiffany quickly got to her feet. She laughed softly. "No need to leap to attention, Miss Nielsen. I only wanted to talk to you."
    "Who are you?"
    "Kathryn Janeway, captain of the 'lost' starship Voyager. I wanted to ask you about B'Elanna." "B'Elanna?" Tiffany repeated, confused. "The young woman you found last night and had brought here." "Her name is B'Elanna?" Janeway nodded. "B'Elanna Torres." "You know her?"

    "My chief engineer. The girl's a wonder. She can take anything apart and put it back together in ten minutes." Janeway shook her head. "How did you find her?"

    "I was on my way to meet my friends when I saw something strange in the shadows. I got out my light and turned it on. She was lying on the ground, bleeding badly from that cut on her head. My friend's cousin was driving by, saw me, stopped and he called for an ambulance. They brought her here."
    "How long have you been here?" "Since nine last night." "You didn't know her and you still helped her?" Tiffany was taken aback. "Of course. I couldn't leave her there."

    A sad smile crossed Janeway's face. "If there were only others like you, Miss Nielsen. Children who aren't prejudiced, don't think they know everything." She turned to leave. "Wait," Tiffany called. Janeway turned back.

    Tiffany got to her feet. "She said something last night, and since you know her, maybe you know what she meant." "What did she say?" "She whispered 'Tom'. Only once, but I heard her clearly."

    Janeway nodded. "I know of whom she speaks. And I know where to find him. Thank you, Miss Nielsen." With that, Janeway turned and left.


    The small monitor on the desk beeped.
    Tom groaned to himself. Who was it now? Harry had already left, so it couldn't be him. It had better not be Megan Delany again, telling him to get out and have some fun. With a sigh, he tapped the receive button. He was surprised to see Captain Janeway's face on the screen. "Captain," he said. "I wasn't expecting you to call. What's up?" "I'm afraid I have some bad news," she said gravely. "B'Elanna's in the hospital." "What?!" he cried. Fear pounded in his heart. If she died.... "What happened to her?" he managed to ask. "Apparently, she was attacked by a group of thugs and left for dead. Were it not for Tiffany Nielsen, she almost certainly would be." "Is she all right?" he choked out.

    "She has a major concussion and is in a serious coma, Tom. I'm not sure how long it will take her to recover." "She will come out of it--won't she?" "The doctor is fairly certain that she will recover. How long that takes is another story."

    Tom felt fear twist his stomach. If B'Elanna died, he would never forgive himself. He had to get to Earth, to her. "I'm on my way there, Captain."

    He closed the communication, then dashed out the doors, heading for the nearest shuttle docking area. He was nearly there when suddenly the promenade was plunged into darkness.

    "What do you mean the shuttle system is broken?!" Tom demanded, glaring at the other person in the room. "Exactly what I said. There's been a malfunction in the power conduit. The shuttles cannot leave the station, nor can they dock. Someone's cut power to the docking pylons as well."

    "You're telling me I can't leave?!" "No one can leave, Lieutenant Paris. Not even Captain Sisko himself." "No, this is ridiculous. There's someone on Earth who needs me. She's been hurt--badly. I've got to get to her." "Your friend has my sympathy, Lieutenant. But until the malfunctions >are repaired, no one's going anywhere."

    Chief Engineer Miles O'Brien stared straight back into Tom's fury-filled blue eyes to prove his point. He knew how Paris felt. If Keiko had been hurt and he had been in Paris' place, he would have been raving mad, too. But O'Brien knew that no ship could dock or leave Deep Space Nine. The magnetic power to the docking pylons had been cut, unable to hold ships in place. And without proper magnetic power, ships couldn't depart. Not even the Defiant could leave. But he couldn't worry about Paris right now. He had a malfunctioning power conduit to fix. Signaling Nog, he headed for the Jefferies tubes, leaving an infuriated Lieutenant Paris behind.


    B'Elanna's normally darkly tanned face was deathly pale, making her slight brow ridges seem more pronounced than before. Her eyes were closed. She was hooked up to a heart monitor. It beeped, the only indication that B'Elanna was even alive.
    Kathryn Janeway looked down at her chief engineer. She couldn't believe what had happened.
    "Will Lieutenant Torres be all right?" Neelix asked, his normally cheerful face lined with worry. Kes held B'Elanna's hand. "I'm sure she will, Neelix. The Starfleet doctors know a great deal." Kes' comment didn't seem to reassure Neelix. He returned his gaze to the pale, prone B'Elanna.

    Janeway wasn't reassured, either. B'Elanna's condition was still critical, after six days. Tom Paris still hadn't come from DS9 yet. She couldn't figure out where he was. Maybe if she had told him what Tiffany had told her, he might have gotten there faster. If he didn't get here by tomorrow, she was going herself to DS9 and drag him back.

    A nurse stepped into the room. "Captain, you have a transmission. Would you like me to put it through into here?" "Yes," she said. Kes opened the small monitor next to the bed. A few minutes later, the screen lit up. It was Tom.
    "Tom, where the hell are you?" Janeway demanded. "I thought you were coming here as fast as possible!" "I would have, but I can't."

    "What do you mean you can't? I thought you--" Janeway almost said "loved her", but didn't want to say anything in front of Neelix and Kes. "--were really worried about her," she finished.

    "The DS9 shuttle system is shot. There's been a malfunction in the power conduit. Power to the docking pylons was cut. Ships can't land, can't leave. Not even the Defiant can go anywhere, and if Sisko can't get off the station, no one can." "How is that possible?" Neelix asked.

    "O'Brien is suspecting sabotage and the entire DS9 security team is everywhere. They've been through my quarters twice and Odo's talked to me three times. Most everyone else, regardless of species or rank, has been through the same procedure." "How long will it take to fix?" Janeway asked.

    "O'Brien, Nog and the engineering team have been at it day and night. A week, week-and-a-half, Major Kira thinks, maybe more. I can't stand it, Captain. If I have to stay here past another week, I'll go insane."
    "I know how you feel, Tom," Janeway said.
    "How is she?"
    "We're in her room. I can turn the monitor around so you can see her."
    "We'll wait outside, Captain," said Kes. Taking Neelix by the hand, she led him out.
    Janeway turned the monitor around and left the room as well, letting the door close behind her.

    Tom couldn't believe what he was seeing. B'Elanna was deathly pale and >not moving. A heart monitor beeped in the background.

    "B'Elanna, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm trying to get to you as fast as I can. I hate the fact that I can't be there with you. I can't get off the station--they won't let me. But I'm still worried. I can't sleep--all I do is think about you. Don't die, B'Elanna. Don't die. I love you." His voice caught on the last words. "I love you, 'Lanna. Hold on, I'm coming."

    Through the fog of pain and confusion, she heard a voice. A soft, reassuring tenor.
    "B'Elanna, I don't know....hear me...."
    *I hear you.*
    "....trying to get to you...."
    "....hate that I can't be there with you...."
    *I hear you, Tom. I hear you.*
    "....can't get off the station....won't let me...."
    *Why won't they let you?*
    "....don't die, B'Elanna....I love you...."
    *You love me?*
    "....I love you, 'Lanna...."
    *I love you, Tom.*
    "....hold on, I'm coming...."
    *I'll hold on, for you, Tom. I love you....*
    The pain overcame her and she slipped back into the coma, but not before a single tear ran down her cheek.

  • Eight days later.
    Tiffany was at B'Elanna's bedside. Captain Janeway was talking with Doctor Bannon. The other two--Neelix, the Talaxian, and Kes, the elfin girl, were with her. So she was alone.

    It had been almost two weeks since Tiffany had found her nearly dead in the shadows. Since then, Doctor Bannon had reported that her condition was critical. She was still in a coma.

    The beeping of the heart monitor seemed to increase. Tiffany looked up, panicked. But it had only been her imagination. She returned her gaze to B'Elanna--and was shocked to see her eyes flutter open. Dark chocolate eyes blinked several times, then focused on Tiffany's face.
    "Who are you?" whispered a soft contralto.
    "You're awake," Tiffany said in shocked disbelief. She ran to the doorway, nearly colliding with Captain Janeway.
    "She's awake," Tiffany told her.
    All three of them heard her. Janeway was the first to reach B'Elanna's side. Kes was second. Neelix hurried to get Doctor Bannon.
    "B'Elanna, how are you feeling?" Janeway asked.
    "My head hurts. What happened?"
    "You were attacked and left for dead. I found you," Tiffany said.

    At that moment, Doctor Bannon walked in. He scanned B'Elanna and reported that she had come out of the coma safely. "No long-term damage was suffered. You are lucky, Lieutenant."
    "How long will she have to stay and recuperate?" Kes wanted to know.
    "I would say another two or three days, then she can be released."
    After Doctor Bannon left, B'Elanna turned to Tiffany. "You were the one who found me?"
    Tiffany nodded.
    "It was kind of you to help me when you didn't even know me, and I thank you for that." A small smile touched B'Elanna's face.

    Tiffany smiled back. "I hope you get better, Lieutenant Torres." She glanced at the chronometer. "But I have to go now. I'll come back tomorrow." She headed for the door.
    Tiffany turned.
    "Call me B'Elanna."


    Two days later.

    There was an insistent beep from the comm monitor. B'Elanna sighed with disgust. "Neelix, if that's you again, I'll shoot you." She tapped the button. But it wasn't Neelix.
    "Hey, B'Elanna. I wanted to see how you were feeling."
    "I'm better. In fact, I'll be able to get out of here tomorrow."
    "That's good. I suppose the Captain told you about the shuttle system problem."
    B'Elanna nodded.

    "Well, according to Chief O'Brien, the malfunction glitch in the power conduit has been repaired and the docking pylons are back up to specs. He says that the shuttles will be completely up and running in a day or two, which means I can finally come see you."
    "See me?" she repeated.
    "Of course. I want to check on you and spend a little time with you.
    You left DS9 so abruptly that I hardly got to say good-bye."
    "Tom, I told you I'm fine. I don't need you to check on me. I can take care of myself."
    "I'm not saying you can't. But I want to see you."
    "It's not necessary." She glared at his image on the screen.
    "But I want to," he pointed out, slightly exasperated.

    "I told you, you don't have to. The Captain, Neelix and Kes are still here. They can help me if anything comes up." B'Elanna could feel her temper rising, despite her futile attempts to push it back.

    "Is it that big of a deal if I come to see you? I thought I was your friend, B'Elanna. Friends are supposed to worry about each other."
    "You are. I didn't say you weren't. But you don't have to come all
    that way from DS9. It isn't necessary."
    "To me, it is," he said crossly.
    "You don't control me, Tom Paris," she snapped.
    "I never said I did!"
    "Well, you act like it!"

    For a minute, there was silence. B'Elanna couldn't read the expression on Tom's face, but knew he was mad. Well, she was, too.

    "Forget it, Tom. I never want to see you again." She slapped her hand down on the button, ending the communication. Slowly, she turned around and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Then as the realization of what she'd done suddenly hit her, she buried her face in her hands and burst into tears.

  • To be continued......

    >Legal B.S. Paramount's characters, my story. Copyright 1997, by Cheile. Rights and other nonsense apply. If you wanted to distribute this, it's OK with me, but keep my name at the top. Comments go to
