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My Thoughts! ( as if any of you care! )

March 3, 1998
Hi! We're going to try something different today... see, my new cyber pal Deb and I have been ranting the past few days to eachother via email. Well, our rants were SO good, that we decided to post them on this very page. Email all comments/flames to me!

Hi! I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I visited your updated PT Page. When I read the My Thoughts site, I laughed my butt off. It was really great.

Thank you! If there were more people like you.. the world would be a better place!! :) *lol* Glad you liked! I'm getting mixed reviews. S/Kers are flaming my butt off, while others like you find it amusing! It's worth it though!

(now to the juicy stuff!)

I just wanted to add a couple of things before I forgot them.

1.) I am one of the biggest PT fans around, but it seems as if they have been reduced to nothingness. They had SUCH great chemistry in "Blood Fever". What happened???? And in "Vis `a Vis", what's up with Tom? One minute he's a hero and cool with the crew, the next it's like we're back in Season Two and he's acting like he did during "Investigations". WHAT's up??

2.) I think that Harry is a nice guy and 7 is a neat character, but enough is enough. It sort of seems that it's become the Janeway and Seven show. It's like even when Seven doesn't have a major part in an episode, she does. As for her and Kim, all I can say is I am glad that there's no longer that big of a threat to Tom & B'Elanna anymore like a lot of K/T wish there was.

YOu know what? You are SO right! I might quote you in the next update of "My Thoughts". I wish they'd decide on Tom's personality! I don't want him to be a lil' do-gooder, but the Season 2 deal is getting WAY old!
Why don't they just call Voyager... Star Trek: Janeway vrs. Seven
Frankly, Janeway's really pissing me off lately! I don't know why, she's just bugging me! She makes really lousy decisions..
I think that the writers are getting REALLY desperate for good ratings, so are pairing up all of the characters! Check this out:
Tu/N??? Hehe
Anyway, this is fun, I like ranting!

You sound like a truly sick girl....a girl after my own heart!!
You know, what pisses me off more than anything is that Seven is in everything. All the adds in TV Guide and magazines has her mug up on it even though it could be about another character. I think they even used her picture for the "Day of Honor" episode promo. Get real. In the words of the producers, "it's an ensemble show with nine characters to service every week."
So, why aren't they developing anybody else but Seven??? I think we saw a little in "Hunters", but not much. I think that those scenes in there,(except for the sentimental comforting goo) was the best Tom and B'Elanna stuff since "Scientific Method."
As for the couples, I bet a lot of J/Cer's were really pissed off with "Unforgettable" last week. Sort of fair considering what the P/Ter's has to put up with for forty minutes in "Before & After". Forty minutes of Kes and Tom being married when they didn't say what happened to B'Elanna. I think next to the certain will they/won't they scenes in "Blood Fever" between Tom & B'Elanna, I've never come closer to popping a gasket. And, God, I'm ECSTATIC that Kes is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what you mean, they're obsessing over Seven! I like her all right, much better than Kes, but still, enough is enough! AHHH! I didn't see last weeks episode, I didn't really want to. I dont' really like Chakotay. He's to... I don't know.... weird! I liked him much better when he was a tough Maquis, not a saucy Fleeter. See, what was so great about Voyager was the "dark pasts" of the characters, which didn't exist with the characters in the other Trek series. The first few episodes were great at showing everyone's dark sides. The characters werent' perfect, which is why I liked them. But now the writers have got it into their head to make everyone into perfect little starfleet angels. I don't know, I like characters with depth, and lately The Crew hasn't had much (except for Seven)

I just had a really cool idea, but I need your okay. For my next segment of My Thoughts, I was thinking that I could put our whole conversation on there! There's some good stuff in here, and I don't want to take credit for it all! Wouldnt' that be neat???

Well, If you think this is neat, join our new rant mailing list! It'll be fun, com'on!

April 26
Holy crud!! Am I a lazy-ass or what? I haven't updated in over a month!? Oh well. Well, happy birthday to me, April 8th!! YAY!
Anyway, here's my thoughts on Vis a Vis: I REALLY liked this. It was the first episode I've really liked all season. Robbie McNeill did some kick-butt acting! I'm not to thrilled about the other guy, but he did pull off a pretty convincing Tom. I'm frankly getting sick of the whole T/P thing, it's WAY to slow! The writers are doing a horrible job presenting it in my opinion. One episode they completely ignore the fact that Tom and Belanna are a couple and the next they're doing some sappy love scene! And notice, how every love scene they manage to have is the same. You know, the cliche "Tom, I'm mad at you" "Well screw you!" A few hours later "B'Elanna, I'm SO sorry!!" "Oh, Tom, I'm sorry too!" Kiss and make up. Tears in their eyes. yada yada. I wasn't to thrilled about Seven in the beginning, but she is now my favoritist character, next to Tom of course. But I do HATE, I mean HATE, no DESPISE S/K. That's taking "opisites attract" WAY, I mean WAY to far! I admit, some scenes are cute, but it's all very yucky in the long run. Remember Libby Kim?? What happened to being faithful to her anyway??
DON'T HURT ME LARSON AND CAMILLE!!!! I'm gonna be flamed big time for that last comment, I just know it. But remember, this page is called
So please don't hold any of this against me.
Ummmm.. that's about all the ranting I have left.
Vis a Vis earns a heft 4 out of 4
hey! I'm baaackkk!! Haven't updated this in a while. Anyway, my thoughts:
scorpion 2:
I thought that this episode was okay... the writing was okay..... the acting was okay..... Basically, not worth waiting 3 months for! I REALLY like 7 of 9. She's totally cool, with a totally cool attitude! Not fond of the outfit though. :) I wish harry died, but that's beside the point. I totally agreed with Chakotay! I mean, Janeway was totally going against everything she USED To stand for ( prime directive, starfleet, etc. ) GO CHAKOTAY!!! YOU TELL HER!!! I give this episode ** out of **** stars
The Gift:
OKay episode. One rant: The more I watch The Gift, the more I hate it! Janeway is such a tirant! I mean, here's Kes telling her that she wants to leave and Janeway acts like Kes needs her PERMISSION! EXUSE ME! Has she EVER heard of the Prime directive? As for 7of 9, well, if she wants to leave she should! The Prime Directive says that you can't hold a being in imprisonment like that against there will and furthermore it also says that STarfleet isn't supposed to meddle in other people's problems!
I rate this episode *** out of **** stars!
Day of Honor:
What can I say: IT WAS THE BEST EPISODE ON THIS FACE OF THE EARTH COMPETING WITH THE CHUTE! I loved it! It was sweet, touching, romantic, and well, GREAT GREAT GREAT! It was cool when B'Elanna told tom what we've known all along, SHE LOVES HIM! OHHHH......
**** out of **** stars!
WHat the hell was that?
You all know what I"m talking about, that stupid butt Chakotay episode. It was predictable, stupid, i didn't even watch the whole thing I was so disgusted! Although, the little girl was semi-sweet, though a tad annoying! GRRRRRRR......
0.* out of ****
I personally loved this episode. It kicked butt! 7 of 9 is turning into one of my favorite charactors. But, if Harry and her go out, I'll kill myself! That's taking the old saying "oposites attract" one giant step way to far! Harry's a dork, sorry Camille, I just can't lie! I LOVED the beginning of the episode, both the little "live long and prosper deal" and the KISS!!!!!!!!!!! The crazy guy kicked too!
*** out of ****
Whatever the hell those past three episodes have beeen... they sucked REALLY BAD!!!!!! So many holes in the plot, why doesn't chokatay just listen to Tom!? TOM IS ALWAYS RIGHT! and that little what I have dubbed " The Voyager Christmas Special" I refused to watch for more than 2 minutes.. it was so dumb, notice how Divinchi looked exactly like Santa Claus??!!!
The Raven
This episode was truly awesome. Poor 7 of 9 has been through so much, I find myself sympathizing with her. But here's a question: How the hell did Janeway AUTOMATICALLY, no, INSTANTANEOUSLY realize that the bird in 7's dreams was a raven and that that meant that her ship was somewhere around. Couldn't it have just been meaningless flashbacks? I THINK SO!!! Janeway is either a good guess and at the same time STUDIES and MEMORIES every detail of anything that has to do with seven, or that part of the episode was totally unbelievable. Now, I know I"m being hard, and to tell you the truth that's the only complaint I have, other than the lack of P/T. Still, I give this episode a whopping:
***1/2 out of ****
Scientific Method: I LOVED IT!! It had something of everything, but the S/K relationship must die! I've already explained why in prior accounts! ANyway, no gripes!
**** out of ****
Year of Hell part 1: It was good, but Janeway has yet again prooven herself to be an arrogant, selfish, and illogical captain! I seriously think that Chakotay should take over, atleast he has a brain! I mean, duh Janeway! Remember Kes?????? DUH! DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH!! Sorry about that, had to get that out! I disagree with Maj Culluh, it would be illogical to assume the whatchamacallits to have deleted Kes, because they didnt' know about her and were to busy trying to take over the "empire". I sense a HOLE IN THE PLOT!!!!! Even I can find fault with the supposedly "best" voyager episode ever, torra, Camille!!
** out of ****
