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Love One Another,
For Love Is Of God

Every couple should remember
That what the world calls love
Is not something man invented,
But it comes from God above . . .

And love can be neglected
And oftentimes abused,
Perverted and distorted,
Misguided and misused,

Or it can be developed
By living every day
Near to God, Our Father,
And following in His Way . . .

For God alone can teach you
The meaning of true love,
And He can help establish
The life you're dreaming of

In which you live together
In happiness and peace,
Enjoying married blessings
That day by day increase . . .

For love that is immortal
Has its source in God above,
And the love you give each other
Is founded on His love . . .

And though upon your wedding day
It seems yours and yours alone,
If you but ask, God takes your love
And blends it with His Own.

Helen Steiner Rice  


Marriage Takes Three  

I once thought marriage took
Just two to make a go.
But now I am convinced
It takes the Lord also.

And not one marriage fails
Where Christ is asked to enter.
As lovers come together
With Jesus at the center.

In homes where Christ is first
It's obvious to see,
Those unions really work,
For marriage still takes three.

Author Unkown