Author: KKSMN E-Mail: Title: Blue Depths Rating/Classification: G/PT Poetry Disclaimer: Paramount owns all that is Star Trek, not me. No infringments intended. Dedication: This is dedicated to my first love, even if he doesn't have blue eyes. Alan, wherever you are you know I love you. ~*~*~*~*Blue Depths*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*KKMSN*~*~*~*~ Every night I look into your blue depths Wondering if I could If I could reach out and touch out Thinking better I had not Fear of waking you scared me So I just stare at you, looking into your blue depths Trying to reach out To gain a common bond Something to hold on to When you don’t want to hold When you just wannta let go Let go of all your responsibilities And disappear Leaving me all alone Without your sparkling eyes to guide me Without your carefree attitude to show me home Cuz my home is wherever you are Aye, that’s how much I love you And every night When you lay down next to me All I see are your sparkling blue eyes The blue eyes that hold the trust of faith And the fear of life Those eyes of yours feed my soul; Looking down at you in the middle of the night Or in the brightness of the day Your blue eyes guide me And worn others to stay away Your blue eyes which hold so much concern Rarely show what you’re truly feeling Marked by deep secrets of the past You grasp onto whatever you can And be carefree As though nothing bothered you Yet I can see Everything you have to fight To just gain control over what you see And every night when I gaze into your blue depths All I see is a look of pure peace; solitude Yet as soon as you wake it’s gone And your mask is back So others you won’t let in for fear Fear of what they have or will do? I do not know, you have never let me inside All I know is that when I look into your blue depths I see a reflection of my soul I see what others cannot A man who needs to be cared for A man who needs to have a loving family; a father who cares When you let me in, and I know you will I promise not to reveal anything to anyone And to keep it between us For when I look into your blue eyes that sparkle, and I am lost So lost that a hurricane could pass and I wouldn’t notice Cuz lost in your blue depths, Time has no meaning And yourself is revealed Giving me a slight glimpse at the real you And I thank you for giving me a chance No one would ever have taken a chance like that on me Yet you did And now I wish to do something for you As special as what you did for me Yet I do not know what So I promise to be here for you And I promise not to tell anyone that one night Way past one, You revealed your true self to me I still wonder why you did that But I know you understand And so whenever I look into your sparkling blue depths, I will look for a way in which to make life better for us as a whole But, until then I will just look into your beautiful blue eyes And wonder just how much of you is a mystery to us Whom you do not let in And I will always look into your beautiful blue depths with a new respect After that night When you told all of your troubles But I will always look into your blue depths and see a child who needs help And will try to provide as much as I can And hope your eyes do not loose their sparkle For when your eyes sparkle, your soul shines And when your eyes grow dim, you have lost all but a touch of your soul And your blue depths reveal so much that no one will ever see Yet you have shown me And I will keep that fact close to my heart as nothing before And comfort you in the wee hours of the morning And kiss you late at night And gaze at you with love, as I have been uncapable of until now And so I must thank you in such a way that has not been discovered yet So I am writing this, though you may very well never see it It is here and that is comfort enough for me for now Someday I may show it to you But that is uncertain So just know that I gaze at you with the love of life and hope someday you will finally see That your life has not been wasted as you so stubbornly think And that it has been well spent Giving me the most precious gift anyone could have given me-the gift of trust and love So though you will not see this and though you do not know it exist Know that I cherish the time we share And that I thank you for all that you have done And that I will always remember you, your eyes, and us