Author: KKMSN E-Mail: Title: Sorry Rating/Classification: G/PT Poetry TimeLine: Alt. Universe from Tom's POV about B'Elanna's death. Say, 4th-5th season. Disclaimer: Paramount owns all that is Star Trek, not me. No infringments intended. ~*~*~*~*Sorry*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*KKMSN*~*~*~*~ Looking through my bedroom window Tears drip silently from my eyes I wonder why I didn't tell you But now you can never see That I did love you Just like you loved me I never got a chance to tell you before you left But now I won't ever have a chance to tell you The tears keep coming now matter what I try Your smiling face flashes through my memory You lie silently in Sickbay, close to death But you will never know that I loved you I was too blind to see That by not telling you I only hurt me The Doctor just contacted me You no longer live I cannot even try to stop the tears Harry tried to comfort me But that made it worse He reminded me so much of you Why I did not tell you I'll never know I try to sleep But I only see your face Your beautiful face that used to comfort me Now only haunts me The tears are still flowing Like a long awaited rain I wish you were still here to hold me in your arms To comfort me But that cannot be I miss you so much Bella I'm sorry Bella I know I should have told you But now I can see That by not telling you I only hurt me