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The Official P/TCollective's Stories!

All New Stories can be found at the bottom on the page. Note: This is the "Cracks in the Wall" series.

Cracks in the Wall By The P/T Collective

Voyager encounters the Borg for the first time but they aren't what the crew expected. Especially when they ask a favor from Torres and Paris, one they aren't sure is such a good idea. First in the series.

Clear as Mud By The P/T Collective

Murphy's Law on Voyager. Anything and everything than can go wrong does go wrong. Sequel to "Cracks in the Wall."

Test of Faith By The P/T Collective

An away mission to an exotic planet gives Paris and Torres more than they bargained for when the inhabitants mistake them for their deities. But there may be more to the myth than mistaken identity. Sequel to "Clear as Mud."

Flight of Memory By The P/T Collective

A shuttle crash causes Paris to lose his memory of the events that occurred during a mission. All information puts him at fault for the crash, resurrecting old memories he'd rather not look back on. Sequel to "Test of Faith."

Echo of a Nightmare By The P/T Collective

An alternate story ("Flight of Memory") to what occurred after a shuttle crash causes Paris to lose his memory. Events leading up to and during the investigation are much different, however, causing the final outcome to be just as distinct.

Inheritance By The P/T Collective

Voyager discovers they are being trailed by a Klingon bird-of-prey, the Gin'tak! Janeway forces the Gin'tak to decloak and the crew becomes aquainted with the Gin'tak's senior officers, some of whom seem most un-trustworthy. Tom gives B'Elanna a family heirloom, but she is reluctant to keep it, and feelings between the lieutenants become strained. A handsome Klingon officer intrigued with B'Elanna steps in. Is he hoping to bridge the gap? Or widen it? Will he be succesful before the Klingons take over the ship?

Whither Are They Vanished By The P/T Collective

Set after "The Gift." Upon encountering an enormous and mysterious nebula,Voyager is turned into a ghost ship, as strange apparitions haunt the crew.

The Judgement of Karis By The P/T Collective

Voyager finds itself in the middle of two warring societies. Janeway sends Tom Paris and Harry Kim on a diplomatic mission and they return with a very unexpected passenger. Can Captain Janeway figure out a way to deal with their guest before Torres takes matters into her own hands?

With Murderous Intent By The P/T Collective

Set at the end of season four. A deadly virus sweeps Voyager and a murderer takes advantage of the chaos.

Kathryn Janeway's Flying Circus By The P/T Collective

Set before "Night." Voyager hits a vast area of empty space and the captain decides the crew needs a little entertainment.
