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Star Trek Day

This is from Captain.Net

I have felt for some time now that Star Trek fans should have a special day each year to celebrate and honor Star Trek. If for any reason, for the fun of it. It is no secret that lately, Star Trek has been having some rough times and "Star Trek Day" may be something to help re-energize it. I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to receiving those Vulcan ear muffs that I have always wanted!

We believe that the most fitting day for "Star Trek Day" to be is September 8th. Initially, we planned to launch "Star Trek Day" this year, but due to time constraints and lack of major support, our goal is to launch "Star Trek Day" in September 2000.

We are currently posting articles in Star Trek newsgroups on the Usenet, we are contacting many Star Trek related sites and simply spreading the word to those who may enjoy having a special day reserved each year to celebrate and honor Star Trek. At this time, we are corresponding with Paramount in hopes that they may be able to help launch and promote "Star Trek Day."

So what can you do to help? If you are a Webmaster, we ask that you post some information about "Star Trek Day" and even post a link to this page from your site. If you do not have a site, we simply ask that you spread the word. Please show your support by submitting your name and e-mail address on this web site

If you would like additional information, please contact or Lastly, we would appreciate any advice and comments that you may have and welcome your help in making "Star Trek Day" a reality.