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Pike County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs



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  1. Temporary Boater Safety Certificates
  2. NPS Closure of Conashaugh Road
  3. 50 Yard Archery Safety Zones
  4. issue 4
  5. issue 5
  6. issue 6

Temporary Boater Safety Certificates

BACKGROUND:    Presently, youths under 16 must possess a valid boater safety certificate when         operating a power boat or jet-ski.  Starting 1/1/2000, all operators of Jet-skis must possess a certificate.  It is a long range goal of the Coast Guard to see all states require the certificate for any person to use a power boat or jet-ski.  It is believed that the Fish & Boat Commission will eventually push for such legislation.  In response to complaints by marina owners, the Fish & Boat Commission has proposed a regulation to allow renters and boat buyers to by pass the requirements for a boater safety certificate by enacting a temporary boater safety certificate.  The certificate would require a minimal amount of instruction and a test given by the marina staff.

POSITION:            The Pike County Federation is opposed to the issuance of temporary boater safety certificates. Generally speaking, boat owners and regular users should be more safe than day renters and new buyers.  They generally have more boating experience, are more familiar with their craft, and have a vested interest in operating safely.  (For example:  If they hurt their boat, they will have to pay to fix it and regular users must face the wrath of neighboring slip owners if they enter mooring areas at excessive speeds.)  These regular users are required to attend an 8 hour course and take a state proctored test in order to obtain their safety certificate.  By contrast, the day renter is often inexperienced, does not have as much concern about damaging the craft, and will not stay long enough to worry about neighboring slip owners.  Ironically, the state will be allowing them to take a quick course with a short test given by someone with a financial incentive to see them pass.

Boater safety courses are given in every state and may be taken by correspondence.  (2 internet courses are listed in the Federation's LINKS page.)  Certificates issued in any state may be used in Pennsylvania. Therefore, tourist should take a legitimate course and be properly prepared.  Marina owners will cry foul and claim mandatory certificates will hurt their rental business.  But power boats and jet-ski's are motor vehicles that, when used incorrectly, can kill or maim.  PennDOT does not issue temporary driver's licenses to benefit the car rental industry.  And, the Fish & Boat Commission should not issue temporary boater safety certificates.


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NPS Closure of Conashaugh Road

BACKGROUND:    A September edition of the Pike County Dispatch carried a story about land uses in the Delaware Water Gap - National Recreation Area.  In the article, the National Park Service noted the possible closure of the section of Conashaugh Road between Long Meadow Road and US -209.  (Note: The NPS is also proposing to rename that section of road "Zimmerman Road".

POSITION:            The Pike County Federation is opposed to closing any portion of Conashaugh Road.  First, the road is necessary to ensure proper emergency services to the local communities.  It is one of only two roads that connect the river valley and hill top between Milford and Dingmans Ferry.  In the event of an emergency, such a connector road may prove invaluable.  The road is also heavily used by hunters, hikers, and nature watchers, both as an access point, as well as to traverse from one section of the park to another.  Finally, the road provides a means to allow handicapped hunters access to their sport.  Closure of the road would restrict access to stocked pheasant areas to those with limited walking ability.


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50 Yard Archery Safety Zones

BACKGROUND:    Currently, the hunting regulations require that hunters observe a 150 yard safety zone from all occupied structures while in the act of hunting.  There is no exception for short range weapons.

POSITION:            The Pike County Federation is in favor of reducing the safety zone to 50 yards for archers in pursuit of deer.  The short range of arrows does not require the larger safety zone prescribed for firearms and by allowing archers to hunt closer to housing units, a greater number of "problem" deer living near developments may be harvested.


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issue 4


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issue 5


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issue 6


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Revised: November 11, 1999 .