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Mark from Holland

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Mark from Holland:
"takes more than just musical journeys."

Mark Deren from Holland PA, U.S.A. is also a good business contact in the real Holland. He has the ability to promote, write, photograph, set up media networks, sell, and act as aliaison to compagnies, particulary in The Netherlands, England and America. He is trained in promotional writing, public relations and marketing, and has had valuable sales experience.

Deren graduated from Rider University, NJ in 1982 with a degree in journalism. A scholarship in diving helped pay his way. He became a top career scorer for the swim team and was also the collegiate champion of New Jersey in 1981. During these college years, Deren also took time out to see the world. He traveled extensively in Australia, continental U.S.A., Alaska and Europe. Following training at one of America's best "sales training schools" in Nashville, TN, Deren went to work as first a travel agent, then as a new car salesman for Ford and Chrysler.

In 1985, he transferred to Palm Beach, FL where he came upon a most fascinating job. He became business manager to the world famous Palm Beach based Portsmouth, VA portrait painter Ralph Wolfe Cowan He set up appointments with movie stars, heads of state, sultans, kings, and other dignitaries, then made the travel arrangements to go visit them with Mr. Cowan. Once there, he had a two-fold mission. He first had to draw up contracts, arrange short "sittings" with the subject, help sell the idea of a portrait(s), and collect a down payment. Secondly, he had to photograph the subject and their surroundings and take detailed notes of Mr. Cowan's conversations with the client for historical purposes.

Equipped with journalism skills, Deren helped Cowan produce a book of his paintings called "A Personal Vision." The book resulted in hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in commissions. Deren dealt with such clients as HM Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, HH Sheik Zayed of the United Arab Emirates, Imelda Marcos, Doris Duke, Adnan Khassoggi, Donald Trump, President Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Roots author Alex Haley, HSH Prince Albert of Monaco to name a few, plus a host of society people, dignitaries, and multimedia stars. Many, many valuable business and communications lessons were learned. With his press releases, Deren also helped Mr. Cowan earn valuable appearances in such mega-media outlets as People magazine, CNN News, AP, UPI, and the hit TV series "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" with Robin Leach.

After six years of beyond-his-wildest dreams high intrigue, Deren went back to Pennsylvania to be near his family and brought along his Dutch girlfriend. A few years later he wound up living in the real Holland, the Netherlands. After several years of study, tireless hours of work experience in an all-Dutch environment, and almost five years experience as a radio host, he has become fluent in the Dutch language. He has also had the experience of having traveled to 41 other countries besides Holland.

He would like to act as a promotor, translator, publicist and liaison between Dutch, English, and/or American companies.

Contact him today with your offer or proposal. He may just be able to provide the right assistance at the right time.

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