Friends of Bedford

Their Pages!

I've begun the RECONSTRUCTION!


Jessica Calhoun- My best girlfriend who's not a girlfriend. That's the best way to describe us. Jess and I have been friends since day one. We lost touch just a little in the beginning of H.S., but we couldn't stay distant for long. She is undoubtedly the very best friend I've had. Jessica has stood by me through many trials and joys. I really can't imagine my life without her. Jess is an extremely talented pianist with a niche for computers too. She spent two years at Wheaton College (near Chicago) upon graduation from BHS, and is currently a mother and wife of beautiful girls and a loving husband,>

Benjamin Madore- He's Bj. to all, kind to most, and serious with few. Bj. would have to be the best example of a Renaissance "guy." He can do just about everything from acting on stage, to fixing your car. Bj. and I have been friends for as long as my memory serves. We've been through a lot together. We were co-editors of the 1997 Bedford High School Echo (yearbook) and have acted on the same stage many times. Things haven't always been easy, but his our friendship remains. (Oh, and his house is loaded with JUNK FOOD!!) Right now Bj. is a super senior at Indiana University of PA - a computer science major, and an avid spelunker.

Sara E. Lang- Back in 1995 I joined the yearbook staff (Echo) at Bedford High School. During the very first meeting, I this charming young lady. Sara and I didn't exactly get along the best at first, but we did eventually become friends. We had a great senior (and sophomore for her) year together. She now lives in Monroville, PA where she is enjoying Geneva College. I truly miss her and her family.

Benjamin W. Clark- The more I know this man, the more I admire him. Ben used to live right across the street and only 5 houses down from me. We used to spend a lot of time together nearly every day. From fishing, to golfing, to just chillin', we've done it all. Right now, Ben is a senior at Juniata College. I'm not certain of his major, but it should be potery!

June 1, 2002 @ 10:31am
