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Boogie Time.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Things I Like

Favorite Food pizza, lasagna,coke

Favorite Movie Twister, ID4, MIB

Favorite Songs All My Life, I would Do Anything For You, For You I Will Be,I'll Be Missin' You,Mo' Money

Favorite Singers Puff Dady, Notorious BIG, Montel Jordan, Tupac, Mace, BlackStreet, Allure, Nas, Bone Thugs'n', Harmony

Favorite Sports Basketball, Volleyball,Football

Favorite Books The Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers

Favorite T.V.Shows In The House, Spin City, Home Improvement

Words I Find Funny Kanickle, bite me, wolly, knob, boonstalks, boonies

People I AdmireJesus,Puff Daddy, Mace

OthersT.V., Nintendo 64, Computer, Internet

Things I Dislike

Foods I Can't Stand Cheez Wiz, Cheese Singles alone

Sports I Don't Like Water Polo

Uninteresting TV Shows TLC,Wather Channel, CNN

Books I Don't Like All of Romance Books

Singers I Don't Like Billy Rae, Garth Brooks, Shania Twain

Movies I Don't Like Most Disney "G" rated videos for kids.

Others When peanut butter gets stuck to the roof of my mouth.

Paul Main Room
