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My Momento

Every year in my life, I accomplish things and earn stuff that I keep close to my heart. I have had many things given to me from the time I could walk until now. However none of those things I would consider to be my most valuable. My most treasured object ws given to me by a special person when I was born.

My most treasured object would have to be a baby blanket my grandmother made for me before I was born. When the doctors allowed my mother and I to leave the hospital, I was wrapped in the pink blanket made by my grandma. It's been with me all of my life.

I consider this to be my most treasured object for two reasons. For one it's the only thing I've had all of my life. For another, it's one of few things my grandma has given me that I am still in possession of. Most of the stuff she gives I lost because I'm always losing things. I hope that I won't lose it and I hope to keep it with me for a long time.

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