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My Narrative Story

The Nutty Putty War

Paul Gonzales

It was a silent and peaceful day in the Brandon University music lobby. When out of the midst, a blue, round shaped object flew through the air....zoooooooooom!! Suddenly out of nowhere, a voice screamed in agony, "Ah! Paul you freak!" It was Daniel Leader.

"Uh.." but before I could finish apologizing, the blue ball blob soared through the air in my direction. THUMP! The round blob hit me right between the eyes. As the gummy object fell to the ground, it left a red mark on my head alont with a bundle of pain. I picked up the deformed blob and realized that it was Nutty Putty. I drew back my arm and screamed throught he lobby, "Take this!" As the Nutty Putty left my fingertips, it ripped through the air like a bullet.

Innocent by-standers were left dodging the blue ball as it richoted off walls, tables, and people. As the war went on, Daniel and I exchanged combinations of lethal throws and screams of pain. Both of us had a blue blob at our disposal. The objective of our little war game was to hit each other as hard as we possibly could.

We were supposed to be waiting for my brother to finish piano lessons, but sitting around was a lot less thrilling than hucking blue gobs of Nutty Putty at each other. So the war went on. A scream, "Ah!" was heard here and there. A yell "Ouch!" was heard there and here and somtimes a "Doh!" woudl be heard, when one came in contact with the flying blob.

Then my brother walked in and informed us that it was time to leave. We finally settled down and tried to catch our breath. Exhausted, the two of us got up and headed out the door. The was was over. All that remains of that event are memories that I will never forget.

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