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The Family Tree

  • Jess Gonzales is a father of three and he is an Optician. He is the coolest Dad I have. He is presently managing an optical store in town. My Dad has a cool talent. When he was in his university life he was a member of the largest, known and largest chorale group called The His Sounds. That was where he and Mom developed their friendship. Just recently, my Dad sang the beautiful solo of the "O Holy Night" at our annual mega musical-drama production of the Singing Christmas Tree. The way the score was arranged and the way it blended to my Dad's voice it brought tears to others. He was also active in the military when he was young. He was a candidate for the Philippine Military Academy. But again, if he made it there, he wouldn't have met my Mom, and I wouldn't have been here. Oh well, if you know more about Dad please visit his page.

    Ruth Gonzales is a mother of three and she is a nurse. She is the coolest Mom I have. I thank God for having a Mom like her. She is hard working person, a woman of determination and goals. When my Dad married Mom she was working as a nurse but she put that career on hold to look after me and my brother and children. She didn't work for almost 12 years but when she decided to get back into nursing she needed to go back to school. I still remembered Mom working night shift then go home and look after us. In the evening, after a couple of hours of sleep she would go to her classes. She did this for almost over a year. How she did it? I don't know. But she was determined to finish it. Right after she got her registration she worked right away as a Multi-Organ Transplant/Dialysis nurse at The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto. Boy, that's the coolest hospital in the world. Being sick there is like living in a fantasy land. Can you imagine having a nintendo in your room? Place like that, you could never feel sick. I really wanted to be sick at that hospital. But I just couldn't get sick. Mom is a person of so many qualities. She likes to sing, write her own music, play musical instruments and at one time our piano teacher. Boy, never again would I ever like to be her student..she is tough!! She also likes knitting, crochet and other sorts of crafts. Mom always carry a big purse of different crafts when we go traveling. She encouraged us to explore how to make bracelets, gimps, etc. Above all, she is a person of compassion. She loves her job because she feels that God is using her to minister to the sick. A lot of her patients visited my Dad's store and they would always tell my Dad about positive things about my Mom. Mom is my friend and companion. Every summer, she gives up working at the hospital just to be with us at the camp. For over two years now she always work as a camp nurse at Carberry Bible Camp. Campers and Staffs loves her. They love to get sick just to be with her at her clinic. She knows how to make them feel better and forget that they are sick. Being her with us, we can also be a regular camper but usually, when we are at the camp and she is the camp nurse, we pretend she is not around. Well, enough about Mom but you are welcome to visit her site.

    John David Gonzales is the second child and he enjoys sports and video games. When were younger people always mistaken us as twins. Mom always buys us the same clothes and stuffs. But as I get older, I needed my own identity so I decided to pick my own taste of clothes, colors and stuffs. John is the coolest brother I ever have. He is my best friend but a lot of times, we also fight over things. We almost have the same likes and dislikes and most of the time we compliment each other. He likes to play piano, sax and drums. He plays drum at school during our chapel. John is a person of his own integrity. He is a person who wants to do things perfectly. He concentrates on his work and make the best out of it. He is an intelligent kid too. I believe if John just continue to do what he is doing now he will the future Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice in Canada. Well, that's what he said. So don't mess up with my brother!! Please visit his page and you will learn more about him.

  • Jessica Ruth Anne Gonzales is the baby in our family. When she was in grade 1 she realized that she has such a long name and that among the three names she had only Anne is her name. Yet Anne is even owned by another cousin of ours who is now in Finland. But anyways, she got her name from my Dad and Mom. Living with two brothers and being the youngest is pretty tough for her. As she grow up she learned to play with us and share the same interest. But now she just wants to be left alone. She loves to sing but she is too shy to show that talent. She likes to help Mom cook and I guess she learned few over the course of weeks spending with Mom at home. She also plays piano and one time helped Mom wrote her song. She wrote the lyrics for her music and hopefully they will produce that music with the help of the Musicator. Please visit her page if you want to know more about her.

    Shenzi is a white and apricot miniature poodle. We've had her for three years now and she already had 3 litters. She is the warmest and loving dog we ever have.

    Simba is a black miniature poodle with white at the paws, chest, and at the chin. I guess he is married to Shenzi. He was lucky this year coz he was traveling with us to Black Hills and Yellowstone while Shenzi was busy nurturing her newborn puppies.

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