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Welcome To My Time Warp2_Zone

You are getting closer to the end. Aren't you convinced yet that this will actually happen. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

Age 40

My daughter turned 13 this year and my son turned twelve. They both do well in school. My wife and I just had our 14th anniversary in Hawaii and met up with Dr. Vanderzee and his wife. I transported a live brain for him to the White House as a favor. I've been training for mission Omega 22 for the past five years while in the air force. The mission is to land on Saturn and we launch today.

Age 50

I am retired and my wife and I are living on a great pension plan. We live in our new house on the shore of California. Both of my kids have moved out and I gave both of them my Lambourgini and the Porche. My wife and I just had our 24th year anniversary. We celebrated on a cruise in the Caribbean on a yacht that I bought. I later traveled back to Manitoba, Canada to meet up with some friends and family.

Age 60

My wife and I are celebrating our 34th year anniversary on the yacht that I bought seven years ago. My two kids are now married and I have four grandchildren. My daughter has a 10 year old son and a 7 year old daughther. My son has a 10 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. I still live in the same house but my son and I along with a bunch of friends and family, built an indoor pool and hot tub for my wife and I. Retirement just got better.

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