JNCO's and Silver Stuff

Let me start off by saying that I mean no harm for the punk scene in any way. I think it's great that a scene can be so tight and successful without massive media coverage or corporate corruption. And while I'm honestly not part of it, I can say that I know people who are and I find them charming, simply charming.

But some of the things that certain members believe are detrimental to the argument that punks are all misunderstood, that they are all really interested in unity a person's inner self, and unconcerned with image. Case in point: Skinjack, in one of his articles, explained the significance behind the punk, skinhead, and mod types of dress, etc., explaining that each phonomenon is indicative of a certain heritage, a certain scene that bonds together because of some kindred spirit, and not because of how they dress or what bands they like. He then goes on to say that people who dress in those styles because the "look neat" are "no better than ravers who wear JNCOs and silver stuff". BANG! There went the holier-than-thou notion that punks are all open-minded and non-judgemental. Because of how ravers dress and what music they listen to, they are inferior beings.

I believe that we should all take the advice Skinjack gave BEFORE he destroyed his point and avoid an exclusive, elitist group of friends. I believe that we should experience all aspects of life. Be a punk for a while. Go to a rave. Wear JNCOs and a Madness patch. Stand in front of a room full of Skinheads and yell "I love 3rd Eye Blind". Then scream all their songs at the top of your lungs. For kicks, and to see who is more open-minded, you or the scene you desire to be a part of.

If your son grows up to be a raver, would you still love him?


Email: worldofmeat@hotmail.com