Teresa's Article About Siblings

I had a discussion with one of my friends the other day. He was upset because his younger sister wanted to come to a punk rawk show with us. She's harmless and they are two years apart. Now, because she is the younger sister, she often looks to her brother for things.

I can sympathize with her. One upon a time, my brother enjoyed riding BMX. I just thought it was the coolest thing. I enjoyed going to the track with him and watching him ride. The BMX scene is full of punk music. And he became the stereotypical rider...listening to punk and dressing like a scruffy looking punk kid. Since we are a year apart (and are practically twins), I started liking this music too. At first, he was completely against bringing me to shows and other events. I remember begging him to take me to see the Warped Tour...I went, and that was the start of my life as I know it. Soon I found myself wrapped up in the Ska scene and I actually introduced him to the finer sounds of ska. My brother and I hang out all the time, and for him not to ask me to go to a show is unheared of.

Back to my friends troubles. It could be cool to have a sibling listening to the same music. He doesn't have to buy all of the CDs that he wants cause she will be buying some too...which in the end saves him some money that could be spent on going to see a quality show. I don't know...I just don't see a problem with it.


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