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Indiana University of Pennsylvania

I attend school at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I'm leaning toward Spanish for International Trade as a major, but who knows... I'm not sure if i will be good at it, but that's what i'm here learn.

I'm not the biggest fan of school. I use to be a very academic person, but i seemed to have lost a lot of my motivation, and i can't seem to find it. (It seems i lose everything)Wouldn't life be great if we could just sit around reading, and discussing things for days at a time. Not gossip types of things, but important things, and liturature. Well, lifes not My grades were good last year, but the fall semester of 2001, my grades were a little to be desired. I guess i don't really care about classes anymore. There are more important things that i want to experience in life while I'm young. In high school, we were always told that college was sooo hard, and we had to apply and study all the time. But now that i'm here, it doesn't seem much different. Students are still immature..Faculty is uninterested in students, and sometimes thier material. and the administration should be a little more educated. But hey, what's my opinion count for anyway. I'm not usually this sarcastic when it comes to IUP. It's a good school. it use to be a BIG party school, but they've been cracking down on that lately..well as much as they can anyway.

Not must left to say about school. Maybe I'll find some motivation some where. I hope so!