Date: May 1
Other names: May Day, Beltane, Bealtaine, Rudemas,
Bhealltainn, Flower Festival, Walpurgisnacht
Colors associated: Red, White, Lilac
Symbols: May Pole, baskets, flowers
Alignment: Male, Crossquarter Lunar
Threshold time: Dawn
Sacred Foods: Sweets, Fruit, cakes and ale, cookies, no
Deities associated: Flower Goddesses, Divine Couples,
Belinos, Blodeuwedd
Incense: Lilac, Apple blossum
The first of May has been celebrated for longer than writen word was even around. It is a time to celebrate all new life, new beginnings of any form. This is the day that the God and Goddess are married and the relationship is consummated, that is an act that symbolically fertilizes the crops and animals for the next year.
On this day the most often used ritual is The Great Rite. It takes a symbolic Male tool, such as the Athame (knife), and placing it into a symbolic Female tool, such as the Chalice or Cauldron (cup). Sometimes couples doing this ritual call the Deities into themselves and actually perform The Great Rite the natural way, and that is fine to do as well, so long as both partners are in agreement.
The May Pole rite is another way to celebrate this day. Non Pagans still use this as well, I remember doing this in school, when I was in 5th grade or so. In it, red and white ribbons are weaved around the pole, symbolizing the union of the God and Goddess.
This is also the birthday of King Arthur, this day is celebrated by those who follow that with bonfires and renacting the times of Arthur.