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Date: Fall Equinox

Other names: Feast of Avalon, Festival of Vine

Colors associated: Maroon, russet, orange

Symbols: Wine, apples, vines, garland, gourd, grapes

Alignment: Solar/Female

Threshold: Dusk

Sacred Foods: Wine, Breads, Wild Game, melons, stews

Deities associated: Harvest and Aging Deities, Wine Gods, Mabon, Bran and Branwen

Incense: Mugwort, myrrh, sage

This is the second of the three harvest festivals, the last being Samhain. This is a celebration of the wine, the apples, all symbols of renewed life.
One of the names for this day, Feast of Avalon, is done because the name Avalon means 'land of apples', and some see Avalon as the land of the dead as well.
