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Myths and Legends~

Here is a page of links to different mythological sites on the web. There are many forms of mythology, not all are just the Gods and Goddesses that people once prayed to. To many of the old cultures, these beings were a way of life, and still are to some.
Why is it that these beings can not be here anymore? Who says that they are not? Anything that is dreamable, is capable of becoming a reality. It only takes one dreamer to dream something into existance. And here you will find many of the dreams that became reality to those with vision.

Pagan Archives and Mythology Has lots of Pagan dieties listed with their signifigence.

Unicorns and Pegasi

To the Celts and Druids the mythical unicorn is a white horse with a single spiraling horn which resembles a flaming spear. The unicorn represented a five-season solar year in the Celtic Boibel-Loth alphabet and its horn, a symbol of solar power, was centered in the dog-days of mid-summer which corresponds with the Holly month. (Druids called the time between July 8-August 4 the Holly month)
A spiral horn reputedly belonging to a unicorn is in the King Edward's collection at Buckingham Palace, England. It was believed in medieval times to protect the sovereign against being poisoned and, as an heraldic beast, it figures in the Royal Arms.
In spiritual legends the unicorn is associated with purity, endurance, and matchless spirit. It is also a symbol of Magick to some, and childlike joy.
Because of it's representation of purity, there are those who also connect the unicorn to Christ, because of the spiritual unfoldment and its chastity.
Some psychologists view the unicorn as a symbol of power and sexuality, because of the unicorn's single protruding horn.
Whatever your belief may be, the unicorn is one of the greatest myths of the world. I myself believe that yes there once was unicorns running around this plane, but I do not believe they are anymore. I see them as living on a different plane of existance, and if you know how see them, you can.

Greek Mythology Greek myths and legends

Faeries A page of the Fey

Realm of Myth, Legends, and Folklore This site has a little bit of everything!

Religious and Sacred Texts A listing of religious texts on the web.

Norse Mythology Norse myth and legends.

The Sisterhood of Avalon A group dedicated to seeking the truth of Avalon.

Encyclopedia of the Celts An online encyclopedia of Celtic Gods and Goddesses and people.

The Encyclopedia Mythica An online encyclopedia of anything mytholgical.

The World Tree A page on ancient archetypes.

Myth on the Web Has everything from Native American myths to Mythic Creatures.

Auramooth's Page Dragons, unicorns, faeries, etc...
