Seoul Nights...
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Seoul Nights...

Sunghi Lee

Uh uh, so I like Korean women? You make it sound like a bad thing! Sunghi Lee is actually a famous American/Korean model and has appeared in Playboy Magazine. (sorry, I don't know what issue) However, if I have gotten your attention and you would like to see more of her, you can click on her picture and find a few more. You will also find a link that will take you lots of SHL pages. (MUST be over 21)
Okay, on with the journey. Located outside of every Military Installation in Korea is undoubtably a small town, commonly called the"ville" by the military people who keep its economy thriving with their monthly paychecks. Most of the military types frequent the nightclubs which feature "Juicy Girls" (Korean and Philippinas women who are scantily clad in bikini's and dance on stage) If you want to test your ability to understand Konglish you can invite one of the girls to sit with you. Here is the kicker, you will be expected to pay the price of one drink for her called a Juicy. This will set you back W10000 (approx $11.00). Currently, with the falling Won it is now only about $7.00 or $8.00. Be forwarned! The drink contains little or no alcohol and will be consumed within 3 to 5 minutes, at which point you will be asked to provide a replacement drink most likely by a very pushy waitress called an Aji-mah. If you are not a Cheap Charlie you will plunk down another W10000. You might just want to accept the name and seek out your friends who have been laughing or drooling from another table. Let me clarify, I am not suggesting that you don't buy the young lady a drink, after all it is her job. Just do not expect more than polite conversation or possibly a nice back rub. I have always enjoyed myself at these establishments. It's a good way to learn a little Korean or Tagalog. Remember, don't get carried away by their pretty smiles and charming mannerisms and dump your whole wallet! Hey, what a minute, I resemble that remark!
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