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The Top Selling Herbs of 1998
and what they can do for you!

  1. Echinacea- can prevent the
    common cold and subdue cold

  2. Garlic -can lower cholesterol,
    thin the blood or fight bacteria.

  3. Ginkgo biloba- can aid blood
    flow to the brain, which perks up
    memory and concentation.

  4. Goldenseal- can be ground up
    and used on the skin as a topical
    salve or as a mouthwash for a
    sore throat. It's most popular use,
    to beef up the immune system,
    doesn't seem to work as well.

  5. Saw palmetto- can relieve the
    symptoms of an enlarged prostate
    and the many bathroom visits that
    come with it.

  6. Aloe -helps heal cuts when
    spread on the skin.

  7. Ginseng- can turn up a user's
    energy level. Asian ginseng, not
    Siberian, is to be preferred.

  8. Cat's claw extract- used in
    Spain for everything from AIDS to
    turberculosis, and is reported to
    have immunological powers as
    well. But most versions of the cat's
    claw have chemicals that over-
    power the good stuff.

  9. Astragalus- can work as an
    immune stimulant but there's no
    scientific evidence to back up that

  10. Cayenne- can relieve pain
    on the body.

  11. St. John's wort- can treat
    mild depression.

  12. Kava Kava extract- can help
    people relax when suffering from

  13. Grape seed extract- can
    protect people from cancer and
    heart disease because it's a pow-
    erful antioxidant.


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