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I am locating a Picture.
Name: Chaz Ott
Age: 12
B-Date: February 14
Likes: girls, skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading, fishing, golf, baseball, swimming, catching frogs and turtles
Dis-likes: school!!!!!!!!! 
I'm a 12 year old who loves the internet. 
I'm no pro yet because I just
got it recenty. 
If your looking for fun and games try going to Netplay.
You can play games like Trivia, Poker, Crazy 8's, and Hot Potato with people from across the USA.
Galveston, Open24, and ISAFE are all cool chat sites. 
Try them out!
If you don't have a pager system yet get one. They're really handy for finding and communicating with people and faster than e-mail.
Check out my friends pages, too. They're all pretty cool.
Don't forget to sign my guestbook!
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This Page was last updated on 9/24/97