Friday Night Fire: Fallout
(card #236; Phobos, Mars)

(start of program. Pyrotechnics are started, and the fans get into the action as the ring announcer introduces Adam Blast. We take it to our two announcers)

Lightyear: Hello everyone, Kenny Lightyear here with my colleague, Morpheus, to host another evening of Friday Night Fire!
Morpheus: The action is at it’s hottest since I retired...I’ll give you that much.
Lightyear: Anyway, we’re coming one night after the PPV extravaganza, OFF THE TOP ROPE, in which Thantos’ title reign finally came to an end.
Morpheus: Please, don’t remind me.
Lightyear: Let’s take it to our first match.

Adam Blast vs. Ghengis Khan. Blast is competing on his own, as his mentor, Commander Sam, is currently out with an injury at the hands of Killer Queen. Blast begins this match with the simple strategy of countering Khan’s martial arts ability with pure quickness and agility. This serves him well until he gets caught with a standing karate kick...

Lightyear: ...Blast is down on the mat!
Morpheus: Don’t stay there long, because here comes a deadly throat chop...
Lightyear: And Khan nails it hard!
Morpheus: What’s Khan doing now? Pin the damn kid!
Lightyear: Khan leaps from the turnbuckle, and...plants the TWIN THRUST on his way down!
Morpheus: ...Gotta do all the fancy moves, doesn’t he?
Lightyear: Khan with the cover... ...1...2...3!

Recap of last night’s event, OFF THE TOP ROPE. Video stills are shown of Spike finally overcoming the champion, Thantos, to win the UCW Heavyweight belt.

Back in the ring, all three Gladiators are celebrating in the house, with Spike taunting the man he defeated for the belt, Thantos.

Spike: “...Yo Thantos, I think we’ve all had just about enough of your shit, you say you’ve been the top-notch athlete of this fed for a year and a half...but you know what? It looks like I’ve proved once again that I just happen to be a notch above the rest!”

The Spacecroppers vs. The Norse Gods w/ Solaris. Man-Mountain starts the match for the Norsemen, and stays in there for much of it, as Beast-Rider and Renegade have trouble moving the guy’s weight around. Lightening barely makes an entrance in this match, which proves to be a fatal mistake later on, as his much larger partner gets tired down...

Lightyear: ...Renegade’s got Man-Mountain set up in the turnbuckle, he charges and...
Morpheus: No cigar! The Spacecropper get’s backdropped out of the ring!
Lightyear: ...And Man-Mountain’s coming out with him. Renegade is brawling with the big man...
Morpheus: I could care less... How much are these two teams getting paid? Not much I hope.
Lightyear: Renegade has his opponent dazed, he rolls Man-Mountain back inside, and he’s trying to go for the SPINECRACKER! Can he get it on such a massive body?
Morpheus: Let me ask the audience for a sincere answer on this: Who really cares?
Lightyear: He’s got it snapped on...and Man-Mountain’s tapping out! The Spacecroppers win!
Morpheus: That...was a sleeper! My grandmother could put up a better match!

Interview with Invincible Krakan. Krakan is asked about his attack on Lord Nexus last night, and why he gave up a chance at getting revenge on Executioner for such a cheap shot. Krakan restates that Nexus never should have trusted him, and that their rivalry will never end until one of them is put out of wrestling...

Krakan: “...And as for the rest of the Society of Death, they can both go to hell because Darkos paid me big bucks to carry out my actions on Lord Nexus. What do Ghengis Khan and Mutant pay me?”

Billy Jo Boxer w/ Trainer Jim vs. Pit Viper. After Pulsar was injured last night at the hands of the Masked Assassins, Billy Jo Boxer is seeking revenge through the turncoat Titan, Pit Viper. Boxer overwhelms Pit Viper in the early run as Pit Viper faces two TKO’s to the crowd’s delight. Pit Viper is definetly struggling at this point...

Morpheus: ...What’s so brilliant about a two-fisted punch?
Lightyear: Because it’s a two-fisted punch to the brains of Pit Viper, that’s why.
Morpheus: The ref lays the count, but Darkos is distracting the referee. That guy really is a genius...
Lightyear: Boxer clears Darkos off the apron, and goes right back to work on Pit Viper!
Morpheus: He has no right to do that!
Lightyear: Billy Jo Boxer with a powerslam...a jawbuster, I have a feeling that this one’s over!
Morpheus: Don’t be so sure yet!
Lightyear: Referee makes the count... ...1...2...3!

Backstage interview with the Satanic Forces. The death-duo of Preacher and Deathlord are asked why they lost to the Gladiators last night, when they had each defeated them in singles competition...

Preacher: “...Are you saying we suck?”
Deathlord: “I think that’s what he’s saying. Well, you little stinkin’ reporter, Satan 666 says that you’re going straight to the ICU!”
(Preacher and Deathlord both attack the helpless reporter. Before the Satanic Forces head to ringside, Preacher turns back to the camera.) Preacher: ...HELL AWAITS!

Powerhouse vs. The Satanic Forces. Massif starts this match as the team’s leader, and the duo from Necromeda have trouble with the giant as Massif almost single-handedly deals with both of them. Earthquake throws away the advantage and Deathlord almost gets the pin on him with a choke slam and SOUL TAKER...

Morpheus: ...1...2... only a two count! Deathlord goes up to the top, plant him Deathlord!
Lightyear: And Deathlord soars through the air, but misses his move! Earthquake is going to capitalize on this now!
Morpheus: No!!! I hope he’s not going for what I think he’s going for...
Lightyear: The DOUBLE QUAKE? Yes, you’re right on the money. Massif comes off the ropes and...
Morpheus: I can’t watch!
Lightyear: ...1...2...3!

New Dorado Sundown are interviewed about their upcoming opponents, the Gladiators of Aethra, whom the Sundown have never met in the ring before. Remington and Steele don’t seem to be cooperating in this interview.

Remington: “...About the Gladiators, I don’t give a...”
Steele: “...Like I said, the Gladiators are a thing of the...”
Remington: “...Hey, let me finish what I was going to say, damnit!”
Steele: “Whatever you say, pal.”

Lord Nexus vs. Invincible Krakan. A very hard, intense matchup as both men pull all of the stops to gain the advantages in this one. Krakan wins the first exchange and controls the match early on, but the momentum steadily shifts to the anger-filled Nexus...

Morpheus: ...Why the hell does Nexus always have to climb up the ropes?
Lightyear: Missile dropkick! And you can see the effect that had on Krakan.
Morpheus: All of those high-flying moves are just for show. They don’t hurt that much!
Lightyear: They hurt enough for Krakan to allow Lord Nexus to set up the TITAN DROP. And the crowd’s going wild! ...1...2...3!

New Dorado Sundown (t) vs. Gladiators of Aethra. Brute takes the early lead in this matchup, but loses the advantage when Steele comes in. Some back and forth action, though the New Dorado Sundown’s teamwork is noticeably under par. Massacre makes a comeback and throws Steele out of the ring...

Morpheus: ...what’s going on? Looks like Steele doesn’t want to compete anymore.
Lightyear: Steele comes back in and pats Remington on the shoulder. I guess that’s a tag.
Morpheus: I don’t think Remington knows what’s going on.
Lightyear: Well, he’d better get a clue, because here comes Massacre with a MASSACRE SLAM!
Morpheus: Well, that just had to suck!
Lightyear: ...And another!
Morpheus: Feel sorry for that bud.
Lightyear: Massacre goes for the pin...
Morpheus: What’s Steele doing? Is he going to make the save?
Lightyear: ...1...2...3! Too late, the New Dorado Sundown have lost the belts! That’s gotta give Steele a horrible feeling for his hesitation...
Morpheus: Ya think!?

Stills are shown of last night’s match between Bounty Hunter and Wolf to justify Bounty Hunter’s Interplanetary Title shot against Star Warrior.

Star Warrior (i) w/ Omega vs. Bounty Hunter w/ Reynard B. Guile. The show-stealer of the night, as both athletes put on a tremendous show of talent on both sides. Star Warrior leads early on, but Bounty Hunter is able to mount a comeback...

Lightyear: ...And it looks like the Hunter’s going for the AMBUSH, but wait a minute, Omega won’t let Guile hold his son’s feet...
Morpheus: No fair! He shouldn’t be allowed to do that!
Lightyear: Star Warrior moves out just in time, and nails the Running Star Blast...
Morpheus: I refuse to call the match in Star Warrior’s favor... I wish he’d just die like I wish his father would!
Lightyear: And here’s the NOVA LAUNCH! The crowd’s becoming wild for this one.
Morpheus: But I’m not...
Lightyear: And he nails it! ...1...2...3!

(go-to-the-fridge-and-pop-a-beer break)


Gladiators of Aethra accompany Spike down the ring to boast of their new tag belts. The way things are looking, the Gladiators are out to dominate the UCW, as they now have two of the three UCW sanctioned belts. The match itself isn’t bad. A close match, but as it wears on, it slowly shifts in Spike’s favor...

Lightyear: ...And Spike comes off that rope to nail his second Atomic Spike!
Morpheus: I’m glad I’m not in the ring in Galactic Punisher’s shoes right now!
Lightyear: Spike hits the Punisher with a DECAPITATOR, and the Cetucian cop is out on the floor!
Morpheus: Here’s a show of smart planning for you. As Spike is over on the other side distracting both the referee and Omega, Brute and Massacre are laying it to the Punisher. Galactic Punish my ass!
Lightyear: Spike turns around just in time to deliver the SUPER DESTROYER. This match is all but over. ...1...2...3! Now it’s over too!
Morphues: heh, heh, heh...funny.
Lightyear: The Gladiators are clearly the dominant stable in the UCW as of right now. How long will their assertion go on?
Morpheus: I dunno, Kenny. How much longer can I put up with you?

(Fade to black)

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