Tag Team Spotlight

Preacher & Deathlord!

The Satanic Forces


Level One Offense | Level One Defense
1. arm drag - 1 | 1. dazed- 1
2. body punch - 1 | 2. dazed- 1
3. face rake - 2 | 3. hurt- 2 (tag)
4. knee lift - 2 (ag) | 4. PREACHER- 2
5. abdominal stretch - 2 (ch F) | 5. dazed- 1
6. running clothesline - 3 | 6. hurt- 2
Level Two Offense | Level Two Defense
1. forearm smash - 2 | 1. PREACHER- 2
2. illegal choke - 2 | 2. hurt- 2
3. bodyslam - 2 | 3. hurt- 2 (tag)
4. into the ropes | 4. dazed- 1
5. Human Sacrifice - 3 | 5. PREACHER- 1
6. Unholy Death Grip - 3 | 6. hurt- 2 (tag)
Level Three Offense | Level Three Defense
1. neck chop - 2 (ch G) | 1. PIN 6 (4)
2. out of the ring (c) | 2. hurt- 2 (tag)
3. out of the ring (c) | 3. down- 3
4. piledriver - 3 | 4. down- 3 (tag)(lv)
5. Falling Angel - 3 | 5. hurt- 2
6. CELTIC CROSS (+3) | 6. hurt- 2

Ropes = A / Turnbuckle = C / Ring = A / Deathjump = B / Disqualification = 6 / Agility = 0 / Power = -2 / Cage = 3


Level One Offense | Level One Defense
1. chop - 1 | 1. DEATHLORD- 1
2. boot to midsection - 1 | 2. dazed- 1
3. fist to the face - 2 | 3. DEATHLORD- 2
4. bodyslam - 2 | 4. DEATHLORD- 1
5. into the turnbuckle | 5. hurt- 2
6. powerbomb - 3 | 6. hurt- 2
Level Two Offense | Level Two Defense
1. shoulder tackle - 2 (pw) | 1. DEATHLORD- 2
2. double ax-handle - 2 | 2. hurt- 2
3. illegal choke - 2 | 3. DEATHLORD- 1
4. head into turnbuckle - 2 (ch E) | 4. hurt- 2
5. Reaper’s Sickle - 3 | 5. dazed- 1
6. Flying Skullcrusher - 3 | 6. DEATHLORD- 2
Level Three Offense | Level Three Defense
1. hangman’s hold - 2 | 1. hurt- 2
2. deathjump | 2. down- 3 (tag)(lv)
3. out of the ring (c) | 3. PIN 5 (3)
4. sidewalk slam - 3 | 4. hurt- 2
5. choke slam - 3 (setup) | 5. hurt- 2 (tag)
6. SOUL TAKER (+2) | 6. hurt- 2

Ropes = C / Turnbuckle = A / Ring = B / Deathjump = B / Disqualification = 6 / Agility = -1 / Power = -2 / Cage = 2

One of the darkest and gloomiest tag teams around, the Satanic Forces have made quite a name for themselves in the promotions which they have competed in. Terrorrizing all of their opponents by their promise of eternal damnation, they enjoy the trembling of their opponents a great deal, as the number of victims on their list has rapidly grown since they first appeared on the scene. Originating from the remote Draco galaxy, one can see that the two have probably spent too much time in the secluded atmosphere, but no one has yet dared to tell them this to their faces.


This twisted preacher has changed his goals from saving the souls of others, to bringing news of their inevitable doom. Though he was once known to be a missionary stationed in the Draco galaxy, he has abandoned his beliefs and has turned toward the evil. How he became so twisted, no one knows, but he has obviously been influenced by his tag team partner, Deathlord. Together, as a tag team, the pair have trampled all over the competition that they have received from various corners of the universe, and together they have enjoyed themselves at the expense of the anguish of their opponents. Donning a black robe and a desecrated bible, the Preacher often signs off his interviews by his patented "HELL AWAITS!" leaving his opponents estranged even before the match begins. While he is not as big as his partner, Preacher is taller than most of his opponent, and he uses this factor to his advantage. His finisher is the CELTIC CROSS, a crucifix powerbomb that sends the opponent perched above his head, straight down into the mat.


Hailing from the gloomy star of Necromeda, located in the Draco galaxy, this dark individual enters the world of professional wrestling with an obscured past. What is known, however, is that the Deathlord enjoys feeding pain to his helpless victims. Standing at nearly seven feet tall and weighing well over three hundred pounds, this ruthless individual uses raw power to incapacitate his foes. His favorite line in the interviews is "Satan 6:66 says we're gonna put you into the ICU!" Teamed with his partner, the twisted Preacher, they form a dark duo that have terrorrized many unfortunate tag teams that have come their way. His patented finisher, the SOUL TAKER, is a devastating top rope fist to the throat, and he maximizes the use of his size and weight to make it even more effective.

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