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Rowany 2001

The Rowany Festival: Easter 2001

My Lords and Ladies, it pleases me most greatly to bring for thine entertainment, portraits of the most superior quality of the goings on at Rowany Festival this fine year of two thousand and one.

In other words this is what I get up to over Easter! Myself and my little brother packed ourselves into my little white car and drove to Tara Girl Guides camp in.... some place farmy with no mobile phone reception... decked up in medieval clothing (shoes and all) that I slaved for a week over.
Twas the greatest of fun and I'm going next year.

Me and my bro chillin' under a pavilion watching the war. Well not at that precise moment as we were looking at the camera but you get the idea.

The delovely Emily accompanied by the delightful Tirian (Alex) under the same pavilion. Tazza was camera shy so the only glimpse of her feminine beauty we can see is her fur trimmed surcoat and velvet hat.

I call it "Lunch" Sir. Lunch most horrid.
Sandwiches under the pines.

And after that light refreshment it was back into battle! Here is a shot of some masculine looking men standing around waiting for the little man in black to yell "My Lords and Ladies! Let the games begin!". At this they shall pull out their wooden swords and padded arrows to deal out a damn good boffing to the enemy.
What FUN!

Personally I find the appeal in being able to create things and be able to wear them with no fear of anything. The festival is run by the SCA (Society for Creative Anacronism) every year over the Australian Easter break. 7 days of war, drinking, debautchery and atmosphere. Well worth a visit if you are interested in such medieval things.

The SCA is an interesting organisation in that they have created their own rules in terms of period accuracy and fighting styles. It is their own little world appart from those who wish to "re-create" a piece of medieval history. They are recreationists, not re-creationists.

Personally I find them to be a wonderful group of people to spend easter with and I shall endevour to do so from now on.

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