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Tips and Tricks: Buying Cards

When I first started collecting in 1994, it was almost impossible to get good deals on Magic. I still look back and ask myself why I spent so much money for cards which are worth nothing now. Well the main reason was that I was hasty in buying. I didn't shop around. Now in my early collecting years, I didn't have the Internet. This was a major factor because it forced me to have to buy locally. Plus around me there was very little competition for selling Magic.

My buying habits have changed now. I no longer buy the card at the first price I see. Research and price checks must be made before a purchase is made.

Sometimes it is alright to buy from stores which advertise because they can give you deals. I like stores because they have set prices and no waiting period. Just order and the card is yours. This is good if you need the card in a hurry or just can't stand auctions.

Most of my shopping is done in auctions such as Ebay or Cloudpalace. I find you can sometimes get the card you're looking for at pretty cheap prices because sellers don't pay as much of a service charge that way. Never lose your mind in a bidding war. It can get quite competitive.