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Suicidal Maniac's Good Traders page

live MetallicA concerts other MetallicA stuff ST and other bands interactive list Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves other bands
Apocalyptica ECW wrestling vids Good Traders TRADING RULES Concert reviews

Metal up your ass


Tammy Lynn wants you to Join the Army of good guys and gals I've traded with.

It's a Sunny day

PLEASE NOTE: I have been trading for many years, and this is a list of just about everyone that I have traded with, there are many people here who no longer trade activly, and there are also a lot of dead links. I am currently in an effort to update this list, so if you can offer any information to me to help me with correct links on this list (either for yourself or or someone on this list) please email me

BLACKLISTED (with vertigo make you dead)

Die, by my hand

The Suicidalmaniac would like to thank...

I'd like to take up a little space here to thank every one who has helped me out over the years on either my collection or my web page. As you undoubtably noticed, there is a lot of info in my lists and there are many other people who deserve thanks for helping me out with it. First, thanks to Cheby a.k.a. Slaughter Mike for all our metal moments together, and Danny for the not so metal concerts (maybe I'll tape Thanks to Gravity next time we go to Rosebud...). Thanks to my little bro for all the help with the computer stuff, and Angelfire for the "so free and easy that even I could use it" web site. Obviously, thanks to the 4 horsemen and the suicycos without whom none of this would be possible. Special thanks to the guys who help out with setlists and other dates and such: Dima, Dan, Crumb, Mach666, Tim. Thanks to the Metclub and the Italian Metallibashers for their respective lists of all the MetallicA tour dates. Thanks to Inter Sandman and Encyclopedia MetallicA for the ubsurd amounts of info that the have on ther pages : news, lyrics, etc. I've also got a lot of info from a couple of books: "MetallicA unbound" by K. J. Doughton, and "The Frayed Ends of Metal" by Chris Crocker, check them out if you get a chance. And most importantly, thanks to all the guys and gals that I have traded with, and those of you who tape the shows, there ain't enuff room on this page for me to express how much I appreciate how cool yunz have been to me.

Let's go Pens WE ARE PENN STATE Here we go Steelers, Here we go