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Places to go and chat. (Download these and you are off on your adventure of meeting new people.)
ICQ Homepage - Download ICQ
mIRC Homepage - Download mIRC
Learn more about the chat room that I spend my time in. This link promises to be interesting, and you are assured to meet many new people.
mIRC # Beginner Homepage - #Beginner webpage
Want to send a friend or loved one some flowers or a card? Check out these sites!!!
Virtual Flowers - Shawna's Page
Free Internet Webcard - I luv you
Internet Greeting Cards - Yellow Submarine
Don't know where you are going? Check out this link. You can get door to door directions.
MapQuest - MapQuest
Stop putting off starting that webpage!! Link up with Angelfire and let the fun begin. It is easy to do.......if I can do it so can you. Come on!!!
Angelfire - Angelfire
