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Get Back To Imagine.

'Help!' Photos

at the temple Thanks for the lift, sailor! running from the tanks George in the Bahamas Super Paul saving John's *Susan*
skiing on the sled George and Paul skiing skiing oh look...Beatle snow angels!
looks like they're about to hit the cameraman with those snowballs I spoke too soon Ringo and John skiing George curling *I know we're here!*
watching the guards John sleeping Paul in the Bahamas Paul on the tank Paul with a phone (where is this in the movie???)
Paul skiing Paul & George during the opening credits Paul at the organ Paul, John, & George George eating
John at his door John sleeping John in the Bahamas John eating John in the scientists' laboratory
John singing *Never you mind!* (John in disguise) lunch time with the Beatles tea time with the Beatles

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This page was last on Friday, November 29, 2002.

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