The Unitarium--The Best Of What's Around
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The Unitarium--The Best Of What's Around

What I Got

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Official 311 Homepage
Jonathan's Korn Page
Graphic & Vulgar pics

Well, since you're here...I suppose that you might want to know some stuff about me. But, then again, maybe you accidentally stumbled onto my page and don't give two shits about my info. Either way, you're gonna find out. Well, I am currently a sophomore in college(the wonderful land of IUP) and live with three other bad-ass motherfuckers(not including my boyfriend). I am an art major which I hope to make an extremely successful career and I pray that SA Martinez would be willing to purchase some of my work, amongst others. If you've read any of this page you basically know what I think are the most spectacular things ever to have graced this fine planet. I guess that you could say, not because I'm an art major, or maybe because I am, that I'm into body art. Ask my boyfriend, he'll tell you all about that. We like all kinds of crazy shit. That of which, you can just imagine about. I have some photos I would like to put up to give you a better, more convincing idea of who and what I am, but I haven't scanned those yet.

Until then...
I just started and am slowly working. Please be patient. I know this page sucks so far.
